Listening and speaking Listening and speaking
1. Before you listen, read the advertisement, Page 25; and discuss these questions. (1) What can you experience on this tour? (2) Would you like to go on? What aspect of the tour would you like best? (1) What can you experience on this tour? (2) Would you like to go on? What aspect of the tour would you like best? (3) When would you get a refund?
2. These dialogues between tourists and a tour guide take place after a whale watching tour. Decide what the tourists would appreciate (G) and what they might complain about (B).
Answer key for Exercise 2: Good aspects: Bad aspects: Order: Answer key for Exercise 2: Good aspects: Bad aspects: Order:
3. Listen again. When the tourist complained, what result did he/she want to get from the tour guide and what was the actual result? Dialogue 1 Result wanted: Actual result: Not stated by the tourist although she did say she wanted to speak to the manager. Not stated although the tourist probably would not get another tour or a refund.
Dialogue 2 Result wanted: Actual result: Dialogue 3 Result wanted: Actual result: A full refund. Not stated although the tourist probably would not get another tour or a refund. A full refund. A refund of half the fare.
Dialogue 1 1)I’m sorry but ____________________ with the tour. 2)Well, it was ___________________ outside… My two kids ____________________. 4. Listen to the expressions that each customer used to make his/her complaint. Complete the sentences. we weren’t very happy so wet we couldn’t go are very disappointed
Dialogue 2 1) Yes, the whales were awesome but ______________________. 2) I’m sorry but _____________________, I now have to make another airline booking and I have no idea whether there’ll be any seats available. __________________. I’m feeling very annoyed that’s not good enough I’d like a full refund
Dialogue 3 1)Excuse me, the tour _______________ ________________________ and we’d _____________ please. 2) _____________________________ as we’re visitors to this area and we’re leaving tomorrow morning. 3) Well, actually, ____________________. Dialogue 3 1)Excuse me, the tour _______________ ________________________ and we’d _____________ please. 2) _____________________________ as we’re visitors to this area and we’re leaving tomorrow morning. 3) Well, actually, ____________________. husband and I had expected like a refund I’m afraid that’s no good for us we’d like a full refund wasn’t what my
With your partner, make up dialogues for the following situations. Use expressions like the ones on the next page. Perform them for your class. Then write them down.
I’m sorry but… I’m afraid…. That’s not good enough. I’m feeling annoyed with/unhappy about/unsatisfied with… I’m not happy about /satisfied with… I’d like a (full) refund, please. That’s no good for me. You should do something about it. Useful expressions:
1.You missed your flight because you think that it was not announced over the loudspeaker. Customer: Excuse me but I'm feeling very annoyed because I've missed my flight. I'm sure it wasn't announced. I've got to get to Beijing by tonight. Is there another flight I can go on? Situations:
Airline official: All our flights are announced, sir/ madam, but I'll see if I can book you on another flight. Can you show me your ticket? Customer: Sure. Airline official: I'm sorry, but there aren't any seats available on the flights today, but I can get you on a flight early tomorrow morning.
Customer: I'm sorry but that's not good enough. I've got to get to Beijing today. Airline official: Well, there's nothing I can do about it. Customer: Then, I'd like a refund please. I'll go with another airline. Airline official: Fine.
2. The fish you ordered tastes terrible. Complain to the manager of the restaurant. Customer: Excuse me. Waiter: Yes, sir/madam. Customer: I'm afraid that this fish I ordered tastes terrible. Waiter: Oh really. What's the problem with it? Customer. It doesn't taste fresh to me. I'd like to order something else.
Waiter: Well, I'll go and tell the waiter to take your order. Customer: Thanks. (A moment later) Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. Here’s the menu. Customer: Thanks. Waiter: You are welcome.
3. The trousers the tailor had made for you are too short. Complain to the tailor. Customer: Good morning. I'm sorry but when I put these trousers on this morning I found that they were too short. Can you let them down for me? Tailor: Well, that'll cost extra.
Customer: But it's not my fault that they are too short. Tailor: Well, I measured the length when you were here and you agreed to that length. Customer: Are you sure you won't lengthen it? Tailor: No, I certainly can't. If you want me to lengthen the trousers, you'll have to pay a bit more. Customer: Well... OK.
Finish the exercises on Page