Incas indians By : Corde ford
There 5 facts Culture Food Recreation Most known for Time preiod
Culture They purposely deform there skulls. They never wear the same cloths twice. After they wear there cloths once they burn them for a serrmony. They drink out of skulls instead of cups.
Food The types of food they eat are Star fruit Plmenton paprika Corn cob Chicha
Recreation The Incas recreation was a ball game called tlachtli. Tlachtli was played on a i-shaped court with some type of vertical stone rings at either end.
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Time Period When did the Incas live? The Incas were a tribe around the 12 th century.
The 5 dates The Inca Empire was an empire centered in what is now Peru from 1400 to 1532 C.E. Over that period.Peru The earliest evidences of human presence in Peruvian territory have been dated to approximately 9,000 BCBC The Cupisnique culture which flourished from around 1000 to 200 BCCupisnique The Chavín culture that developed from 1500 to 300 BC was probably more of a religious than a political phenomenon, with their religious centre in Chavin de HuantarChavín culture Chavin de Huantar