U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT Applied Technologies Group Anders Grangård – Vice Chair
UN/CEFACT Group’s Mandate (Summary) 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the Applied Technologies Group (ATG) is to be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the trade, business and administration document structures that are based on a specific technology or standard. The function of the ATG is the design, assembly and production of syntax specific solutions based on identified business and/or technical requirements from the empowered groups of UN/CEFACT.
UN/CEFACT Work Programme
UN/CEFACT New Projects Library Content Management UML Profile for XML UML to XML Transformation Rules XML Schema for BPSS UN/CEFACT guide for the ebXML CPP/CPA Implementers Guide to the ebXML Technical Architecture
UN/CEFACT New Projects Representation of CCTS components in XML XML expression of CCTS context constraint language UN/EDIFACT to UML transformation rules Context application rules to UN Standard Messages rules
UN/CEFACT Items for Plenary Approval ATG resolves that the UN/CEFACT registry should fully support the latest version of the ebXML registry specifications, which includes the storage of Core Component Technical Specification defined artefacts.
UN/CEFACT Items for Plenary Noting Sixty-four (64) Data Maintenance requests were processed for the D.04A UN/EDIFACT Directory Reflections over “next generation UN/EDIFACT” Object Oriented approach Features in other techniques suitable for nXg/Edifact Standardised interfaces Compatibility between other techniques and UN/EDIFACT
UN/CEFACT Issues for Plenary action ATG requests that the CEFACT Plenary endorses the previously presented resolution, and instructs the Support Service Provider, who will be responsible for providing this registry, accordingly.
UN/CEFACT Other items Inter-forum meetings held June Walldorf, Germany January 2004 – Washington D.C., USA Future Meetings June 2004 – Walldorf, Germany September 2004 – Washington D.C., USA (Forum)