5/29/021 Informational Meeting May 29, 2002 Perry Township Administration Building Fourth Street/Bowman Road Sewer Improvement Area
5/29/022 Overview of Tonight’s Meeting I. Review objective of tonight’s meeting. II. Review the history of the project. III.Review proposed sewer layout. IV. Review administrative procedures. V.Review design and construction cost. VI.Review tentative Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project funding. VII.Review additional property owner cost. VIII. Review tentative schedule IX. Questions and answers.
5/29/023 A.To review the pollution problems in the project area, and informally discuss the options for correcting problems. I. Meeting Objective B.Discuss all cost, and funding options involved with constructing a public sanitary sewer to alleviate the pollution problems. C. Develop a final project area.
5/29/024 Most of 2000 Allen County Department of Public Health received complaints of maltreated sewage in the western portion of the project area. October 2000Allen County Department of Health conducted a survey of 26 homes on the western end of Fourth Street (Project A). Investigation SummaryInvestigation Summary II. Project History Summer 2000County Engineers representative performed field investigations for resolve of poor drainage. Standing septic discharge was observed March 99Storm water drainage, and standing septic complaints were made to the Allen County Engineers office for areas along East Fourth Street. Spring 2001County Engineers, Sanitary Engineers, and Department of Health met to discuss the ability of providing a public sewer to eliminate pollution problems.
5/29/025 II. Project History (continued) May 17, 2002Samples were taken from various locations Sampling Locations to determine the area of influence and severity of the pollution problems Sampling Results.Sampling Locations Sampling Results May 29, 2002Informational meeting.
5/29/026 III. Administrative Procedures (non-assessment) A.Conduct first Informational Meeting. B. Conduct Public Hearing (CDBG requirement). C.Make application to State of Ohio for CDBG money from the Competitive Sewer and Water Program. D.Conduct second Informational Meeting. E.Begin design of project. F.Bid construction of project. G. Begin construction of project. H.Complete construction of project. I.Notification to property owners for connection to project.
5/29/027 IV. Proposed Sewer Layout Existing Sanitary Sewer Project AProject B East Fourth Street Greely Chapel Road Bowman Road N SR 117 RR I 75 8” Sanitary Sewer
5/29/028 V. Design and Construction Cost. Project A Engineering Design$ 22, Construction Cost 282, Construction Engineering 27, Service Connections 72, Miscellaneous 5, Contingency 72, Total Project Cost $482, Project B $ 38, , , , , , $868, Total Project A and Project B = $1,350,820.00
5/29/029 VI. Tentative CDBG Project Funding The Ohio Department of Development through CDBG Competitive Water Sewer Program will provide 50% grant funding, up to a maximum of $500,00.00 for qualified and approved projects. 51 % or more of the property owners need to be low-to-moderate income level (LMI). The Ohio Department of Development may also provide up to $100, grant funding for connection and permitting fees to qualified and approved LMI property owners. General Qualification Project A – This part of the overall project area does qualify for the CDBG project funding (50% or $500, max). Project B – This part of the overall project area does not qualify for the CDBG project funding (50% or $500, max) Project A + Project B – The combined project area does qualify for the CDBG project funding (50% or $500,000.00).
5/29/0210 VI. Tentative CDBG Project Funding (continued) Project A Project Cost to Property Owners Total Project Cost (less service connection cost) = $410, Less the 50 % CDBG Funding -$205, Debt Service Balance $205, Therefore the tentative Principal amount to be charged to property owners through additional monthly sewer billing collections = $205, ÷ 30 property owners = $6, per property owner. Note: The replacement of an on-lot private system could cost anywhere from $7, to $10, per property owner. Monthly Debt Retirement: $6, (30 years at 3.95%) = $32.43 per month $6, (30 years at 2.0%) = $26.63 per month
5/29/0211 VI. Tentative CDBG Project Funding (continued) Project B Project Cost to Property Owners Total Project Cost (less service connection cost) = $716, Less the 50 % CDBG Funding -$ 0.00 Debt Service Balance $716, Therefore the tentative Principal amount to be charged to property owners through additional monthly sewer billing collections = $716, ÷ 57 property owners = $12, per property owner. Note: The replacement of an on-lot private system could cost anywhere from $7, to $10, per property owner. Monthly Debt Retirement: $12, (30 years at 3.95%) = $59.68 per month $12, (30 years at 2.0%) = $46.49 per month
5/29/0212 VI. Tentative CDBG Project Funding (continued) Combination of Project A and Project B Project Cost Property Owners Total Project Cost (less service connection cost) = $1,127, Less the 50 % or $500, Max CDBG Funding -$ 500, Debt Service Balance $ 627, Therefore the Principal amount to be charged to property owners through additional monthly sewer billing collections = $627, ÷ 87 property owners = $7, per property owner. In Summary: Project A does not need Project B, but Project B needs Project A! Note: The replacement of an on-lot private system could cost anywhere from $7, to $10, per property owner. Monthly Debt Retirement: $7, (30 years at 3.95%) = $34.21 per month $7, (30 years at 2.0%) = $26.65 per month
5/29/0213 VII. Additional Property Owner Cost 1.Abandonment of existing private sewage system/tanks and installation of a sanitary sewer lateral to the project - $1,000 (possible grant assistance). 4.Monthly Sewer Billing – City of Lima Users of 300 cu. ft. of Water or Less per Month Minimum Charge for under 300 cu. ft. water usage$18.29 per month Users of over 300 cu. ft. of Water per Month Minimum Charge for over 300 cu. ft. water usage$24.25 per month plus Volume Charge for every 100 cu. ft of water$3.425 per month per 100 cu. ft. Example: Typical family of five (5) uses 800 cu. ft. of water per month Minimum Charge ($24.25) + Volume Charge (5 x $3.425) = $41.38 per month 2. City of Lima Impact Fee - $1, (possible grant assistance). 3. City of Lima Permit Fee - $ (possible grant assistance). Total Monthly Sewer Charges With Debt Retirement = $66.64 to $ per month.
5/29/0214 VIII. Tentative Schedule First Informational MeetingMay 29, 2002 Conduct Public HearingJune 13, 2002 Make application to CDBG July 5, 2002 Conduct Second Informational MeetingAugust 30, 2002 Begin design September 30, 2002 Bid projectMarch 30, 2003 Begin construction April 15, 2003 Complete constructionOctober 30, 2003
5/29/0215 IX. Questions & Answers Note: Please State Your Name and Address, for the record, before asking your question.