Event Data Model Proposal for a 2 nd iteration based on LCIO Colin Bernet (IPNL) 27 November 2014 Thanks to Frank Gaede for LCIO 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Event Data Model Proposal for a 2 nd iteration based on LCIO Colin Bernet (IPNL) 27 November 2014 Thanks to Frank Gaede for LCIO 1

LCIO Event data model and I/O layer for the linear collider experiments – 03/doc/doxygen_api/html/namespaces.html 03/doc/doxygen_api/html/namespaces.html Simple, complete, and used by many people  a very good starting point

Conditions Need to adapt to our POD design choice – POD == struct – PODs can only contain other PODs Need to adopt a pragmatic approach – only port what we need now – will port more later upon request Geometry information not stored in data model

The track sector BareHit cellid energy time bits BareHit cellid energy time bits TrackHit barehit TrackHit barehit TrackCluster barecluster trackhits TrackCluster barecluster trackhits TrackState location omega d0 z0 covmatrix TrackState location omega d0 z0 covmatrix Track chi2 ndf trackclusters trackstates bits Track chi2 ndf trackclusters trackstates bits Vertex chi2 ndf position tracks weights bits Vertex chi2 ndf position tracks weights bits BareCluster energy position time bits BareCluster energy position time bits reference concrete unsigned to store flags

The calorimeter sector BareHit cellid energy time bits BareHit cellid energy time bits CaloHit barehit CaloHit barehit CaloCluster barecluster calohits CaloCluster barecluster calohits BareCluster energy position time bits BareCluster energy position time bits concrete

The calorimeter sector (sim and rec) BareHit cellid energy time bits BareHit cellid energy time bits CaloHit barehit CaloHit barehit CaloCluster barecluster calohits CaloCluster barecluster calohits BareCluster energy position time bits BareCluster energy position time bits concrete SimCaloHit barehit mcenergies mcparticles SimCaloHit barehit mcenergies mcparticles BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits MCParticle bareparticle parents daughters endvertex MCParticle bareparticle parents daughters endvertex SimCaloCluster barecluster simcalohits SimCaloCluster barecluster simcalohits CaloHitRelation calohit simcalohit CaloHitRelation calohit simcalohit

The particle sector Track chi2 ndf trackclusters trackstates bits Track chi2 ndf trackclusters trackstates bits CaloCluster barecluster calohits CaloCluster barecluster calohits Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits

The jet sector Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits Jet barejet particles Jet barejet particles BareJet p4 area bits BareJet p4 area bits

The jet sector (sim and rec) Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits BareParticle type status vertex p4 bits Jet barejet particles Jet barejet particles BareJet p4 area bits BareJet p4 area bits MCParticle bareparticle parents daughters endvertex MCParticle bareparticle parents daughters endvertex GenJet barejet mcparticles GenJet barejet mcparticles

Estimated Time of Achievement 2 days, but small showstoppers – Need a way to have associations between 1 object and n (arbitrary) other objects Cannot store in PODs  external associations What we do now is suboptimal – Optimal solution under development (Benedikt) Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Jet barejet particles Jet barejet particles BareJet p4 area bits BareJet p4 area bits

JetParticles jet particle JetParticles jet particle Estimated Time of Achievement 2 days, but small showstoppers – Need a way to have associations between 1 object and n (arbitrary) other objects Cannot store in PODs  external associations What we do now is suboptimal – Optimal solution under development (Benedikt) Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Particle bareparticle parents daughters cov tracks clusters Jet barejet Jet barejet BareJet p4 area bits BareJet p4 area bits