EVERY CONNECTION has a starting point. EVERY CONNECTION has a starting point. Holdings data in the Clouds Matt Goldner Product & Technology Advocate OCLC
We will cover... 1.Approaches to local data in worldcat.org and WorldCat Local 2.OCLC services using Local Holdings records 3.Services using the WorldCat knowledge base
Local data in worldcat.org and WorldCat Local
Three approaches to managing local data in the “cloud” Enhance the master record in WorldCat Store more data in Local Holdings records The new highly technical “stuff” file
Enhancing master record Through Expert Community All cataloging libraries can enhance non-CONSER/PCC records Over 310,000 in 15 months Through Batchload Additional fields now routinely merged to master record
Storing more data in LHRs Beyond traditional use of OCLC LHRs (LDRs) for serials Data typically stored in bibliographic record which actually applies to the locally held item Fields to be stored and used
The new and highly technical “stuff” file Data that is bibliographic in nature but only pertinent locally Fields to be stored and matched to library holdings
Services using Local Holdings Records
WorldCat Resource Sharing Locate physical serial holdings at volume level Now combined with WorldCat knowledge base Physical serial holdings from LHR Electronic serial holdings from knowledge base Tied to new License Manager service Allows Direct Request for Articles Pilot starts in July Side note: also allows automatic request deflection based on won’t copy / won’t loan flags in LHR
In WorldCat Local Allows faster response for serials Show summary holdings from LHR first User may click to query local system for more details Will allow much more local data to be shown Currently only 856 and 590 are included from local system
In Web-scale Management Service WorldCat and LHRs become database of record Managed in either Connexion Browser or WMS Tied to circulation item record
Uses of WorldCat knowledge base
As a platform service Used by WorldCat Local Used by Web-scale Management Service License Manager Used by WorldCat Resource Sharing in conjunction with License Manager Used by resolver service Used by A to Z lists Same API will be available for local library use
In WorldCat Local First phase release in August Allows links directly to full text Will ultimately be on both search results and detailed record Because of DRA pilot we are currently syncing with the DRA pilot library knowledge bases
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