Benchmarking with the Community College Survey of Student Engagement Website
Access to CCSSE Website Searches « Public searches include Benchmarks, Means, and Frequencies for all colleges that have participated in the most recent three years of CCSSE administration. « Members searches (limited to CCSSE participants) include Benchmarks, Means, and Frequencies for all colleges that have participated in the most recent three years of CCSSE administration. In addition, various comparisons can be performed within this area.
Public College Profiles « This section will display Benchmarks, Means, and Frequencies for individual colleges who have participated in CCSSE in the most recent three years.
Public College Profiles: Choose a college Sorted by year in alpha order May also be sorted by state
Public College Profiles: Displays CCSSE’s Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Choose a benchmark
Public College Profiles: Displays means for items in chosen benchmark Click on Frequencies
Public College Profiles: Displays frequencies for items in chosen benchmark Choose Back to Profile to explore a different benchmark
Public Search the Data « This section will display Benchmarks, Means, and Frequencies for all colleges that have participated in CCSSE in the most recent three years. For those colleges who have participated more than once in the past three years, only their most recent year of data is included. « For the 2006 CCSSE cohort, this includes 447 colleges from 46 states.
Public Search the Data
Public Search the Data: Define a group
Public Search the Data: Choose either a benchmark or a group of one or more survey items
Public Search the Data: Review your choices
Public Search the Data: Select a category
Public Search the Data: Displays Means Click on Frequencies
Public Search the Data: Displays Frequencies
Members College Profiles « This section will display Benchmarks, Means, and Frequencies for individual colleges that have participated in CCSSE in the most recent three years and provide comparison reports to the remaining colleges in the three year cohort.
Members College Profiles: Choose a college Sorted by year in alpha order May also be sorted by state
Members College Profiles: Displays CCSSE’s Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Red line indicates national benchmark mean of 50 Choose a benchmark or choose a set of non- benchmark items
Members College Profiles: Displays means for items in chosen benchmark for college and remaining 2006 CCSSE cohort Shows difference and effect size Click on Frequencies
Members College Profiles: Displays frequencies for items in chosen benchmark for college and remaining 2006 CCSSE cohort Choose Back to Profile to explore a different benchmark
Members Search the Data « This section will display Benchmarks, Means, and Frequencies for all colleges that have participated in CCSSE in the most recent three years. For those colleges that have participated more than once in the past three years, only their most recent year of data is included. « In this section, searches will compare your college to other colleges, with the opportunity to break out groups by student and institutional level variables. « For the 2006 CCSSE cohort, this includes 447 colleges from 46 states.
Members Search the Data: Breakouts Compare your college to all other 2006 cohort colleges using a student or institutional variable as a breakout group.
Members Search the Data: Searches include your college vs. all other 446 colleges included in the 2006 CCSSE cohort
Members Search the Data: Define a comparison group by choosing either institutional or student level breakout variables
Members Search the Data: Choose to compare your college or to include your college in the group
Members Search the Data: Choose a benchmark or one or more survey items
Members Search the Data: Review your choices
Members Search the Data: Choose a category
Members Search the Data: Displays your college’s means vs. all other 2006 CCSSE cohort college means for the breakout group Click on Frequencies
Members Search the Data: Displays your college’s frequencies vs. all other 2006 CCSSE cohort college means for the breakout group
Members Search the Data: Compare your college to a group of colleges of your choosing Compare your college to any other colleges that have participated in the past three years. You must choose at least three or more colleges to be included in the comparison group.
Members Search the Data: Choose from the list of 2006 CCSSE cohort colleges to create a group
Members Search the Data: Choose to compare your college to the group or to look at the group scores only
Members Search the Data: Choose a benchmark or one or more survey items
Members Search the Data: Review your choices
Members Search the Data: Displays benchmark scores for your college’s and your chosen group of colleges Click on the benchmark bar to see means
Members Search the Data: Displays means for your college vs your chosen group of colleges Click on frequencies
Members Search the Data: Displays your college frequencies vs your chosen group of colleges
CCSSE Website Questions and Suggestions Please refer any questions regarding searching the CCSSE website to Jeff Crumpley at or to Chris Cosart at