Plant Disorders Diseases
Powdery Mildew The disease is easily recognizable as a white to gray powdery growth on leaves and sometimes stems and flowers. Treat with a Fungicide
Botrytis (Gray Mold) Brown, water ‑ soaked spots appear on petals. Woolly gray fungus spores form on soft, brown, decayed tissues; fungus may invade plant tissue that touches infected petals. Treat with Fungicide
Mosaic Virus This virus is transmitted by tools and workers as well as plant to plant contact where there wounds caused by handling or insects. There is no cure or treatment for Mosaic. Discard infected plants and thoroughly disinfest growing areas. Treat with Fungicide Symptoms of Mosaic show yellow and green mottling, upward leaf curling, leaf distortion and overall stunting.
Anthracnose leaf spot leaf spot symptoms appeared as small round, tan leaf spots Treat with fungicide
Rhizoctonia Rhizoctonia is a natural inhabitant of the soil and can survive there indefinitely. The pathogen is widely distributed, has a wide host range, and causes diseases such as damping-off, root rot, crown rot, stem cankers, and web blight. Treat with fungicide
Pythium Root Rot Signs of Pythium root rot fungi on poinsettias are wilting and stunting. Roots are soft and decayed, sometimes extending up into the stem where it causes a canker. Treat with fungicide