Presentation of Environmental Scan, Enrollment Analysis, Utilization and Space Needs Analysis North Seattle Community College April 2007
2 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. north seattle area is growing at slower rate than state & king county overall the state & the county are growing older & more diverse percentage of low-income households in north seattle & sw snohomish county is growing level of education in north seattle is higher than state & county average North Seattle Community College Environmental Scan
3 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. north seattle residents are mostly employed in white collar occupations that mirror occupational makeup of puget sound & king county north seattle will continue to experience positive job growth job base of residents employed in north seattle and sw snohomish county is becoming less diverse North Seattle Community College Environmental Scan
4 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. general population growth & aging of population will impact enrollment trends increasing diversity of residents & population growth of lower-income households indicates need for workforce training programs more diverse student body indicates need for expanded student services; better access & orientation projected enrollment growth to 2010 of 500 FTE, from 3,503 to 4,060 North Seattle Community College Enrollment Projections
5 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Existing Space On average, approximately 25% of space on a community college campus is academic space (classrooms and teaching laboratories) Academic space is 37% of total ASF at NSCC Student Center and Physical Education & Recreation space is 17% of total ASF
Classroom and Laboratory Utilization Student Station Occupancy – The average percentage of seats filled when the room is in use. Weekly Room Hours – The total hours of all courses meeting in a room in a one week period Definitions
7 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Classroom Use Analysis Average for all classrooms 78% or more classrooms in use between 9:00 am – 11:00 am Highest percentage (83%) in use at 10:00 am Opportunity for significant additional use between 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm each day Graph portrays time of day classrooms are used when scheduled
8 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Classroom Use Analysis Heaviest classroom use is the Monday - Wednesday matrix Friday afternoon decline typical for community colleges
9 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Classroom Utilization Analysis Utilization Expectations for NSCC 32 hours per week 65% student station occupancy (SSO) 23 ASF/station Slight excess in quantity of rooms and total stations on campus
10 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Classroom Utilization Analysis Larger average ASF per station than guideline suggests more stations could be added to classrooms Weekly room hour (WRH) average of 27 as compared to guideline expectation of 32 WRH SSO average of 59% as compared to guideline expectation of 65% SSO The 10 Classrooms with stations had greatest use (weekly room hours) The 4 Classrooms with stations had greatest Student Station Occupancy
11 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Teaching Laboratory Utilization Analysis Laboratory utilization expectations for NSCC 20 hours per week 70% Student station Occupancy
Space Needs Analysis Base and Target Years
13 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Space Needs Analysis Assumptions 5 Year Planning Horizon (2010) Analysis does not take into account enrolled students not physically present on the campus Staffing excludes employees from student funding sources Academic Program Assumptions Expand Distance Learning courses Create new courses to integrate with ESL and Professional/ Technical fields Expand Allied Health cluster (CAN, RN, LPN, EMT) Social Work pre-major pathway Revamp dated professional programs Future Enrollment and Staffing Impacts the Space Needs Analysis
14 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Base Year Space Needs Analysis Five percent surplus (17,677 ASF) at the base year (fall 2005) Most significant deficit in the category of Teaching Laboratories & Service Major surpluses in the categories of: Classroom & Service Open Laboratories Library Inactive/conversation spaces mostly classrooms and teaching laboratories in Technology Building and vacancies of Culinary Arts spaces Guideline ASF developed from institutional parameters of future enrollments, staffing, and program changes
15 Report by Paulien & Associates, Inc. North Seattle Community College Space Needs Analysis Space Needs Analysis Summary Deficits total about 24,000 ASF at the target year with category surpluses of about 11,000 ASF resulting in a net deficit of about 13,000 ASF Inactive/conversion spaces could be renovated to reduce deficits in other areas Net Deficit at target year is 1,841 ASF if Inactive/ conversion space is factored into the equation Employment Resource Center was not factored into the analysis.