Understanding the very first instants after the creation of the universe Develop a global and predictive mathematical theory describing all primordial constituents et unifying their interactions Discovering the fundamental (primordial) constituents of the universe Knowing their properties (type, mass, quantum properties) Understanding the forces and the mechanisms governing the interactions Understanding the mechanism generating the mass of the particles Understanding the origin and the mechanism generating matter antimatter asymmetry In particular, D0, H1, ATLAS, LHCb, ANTARES, SNLS/SNAP ATLAS, LHCb LHCb … this is your task Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
In the countryside at the accelerator ATLAS at LHC H1 at HERA (Hamburg)D0 at the Tevatron (Chicago) Antares SNLS At the top of mountains At the bottom of the sea (2400 m) SNAP The programs of CPPM In space
Les programmes interdisciplinaires Bioluminescence : The light coming from living species Background for neutrino detection but new data for the marine biologists % temps avec bioluminescence Correlations between bioluminescence and the current Courant cm/sec jours Environnement et Geophysic Deployment of various equipments during 2005 and continuing en 2006 In connection with ANTARES Continuous measurements in deep water (2500m) Bioluminescence Water transparence Current Salinity Pressure Acoustic seismic activity Back
Seism of August 30 in Japan (6.2) Seismograph connected to Antares Surface Seismograph
Application for biomedical imaging Tête de souris Application in crystallography: XPIX Tomography for biomedical applications with 360 views Diffractive studies For crystallography at ESFR. SAXS data: Ag Behenate, polyurethane, water, empty cell. Gain of a factor 20 in speed compared to current technology CT scanner project: PIXSCAN Retour
TEP/CT Project Back