Hepatitis C A Growing Problem of Pakistan
Group Members Zoya Imran Mariam Archer Nawal Nawaz Sidra Tul Muntaha
What is Hepatitis C ? What is Hepatitis C ?
Prevalence around the globe Prevalence around the globe After Egypt Pakistan has the Highest prevalence rate of HCV After Egypt Pakistan has the Highest prevalence rate of HCV App. 4.8% patients are in Pakistan App. 4.8% patients are in Pakistan About 10 million patients About 10 million patients
ETIOLOGY The study of causation. Sharing needles Non-sterile instruments Donating organs Blood transfusions Personal care items Unhygienic sexual behavior
PHASES OF HEPATITIS C Acute: Tiredness Jaundice Chronic: Fatigue Jaundice Abdominal pain Joint pain
PATHOLOGY Science or the study of the structure, origin and nature of diseases. Liver, like all organs, responds to injury in a limited no of ways.
ORIGIN OF HCV 6 genotypes Infection have been identified for all genotypes except genotype 5.
STRUCTURE OF HCV Positive single stranded RNA genome Single open reading frame Small active proteins
NATURE OF HCV Age Gender Immune response
Diagnosis and Treatment of hcv infection
Prevalence OF HCV Infection within Pakistan In Punjab, 6.7% In Sindh, 5% In Baluchistan, 1.5% In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1.1%
Diagnosis Of HCV Infection Screening tests for antibody to HCV (anti HCV) 1.Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) 2.Enhanced Chemiluminescence innumoassay (CIA) Recombinant Immunoblot Assay (RIBA)
Continuation… Qualitative tests to detect presence or absence of virus (HCV RNA polymerase chain reaction [PCR]) Quantitative tests to detect amount (titer) of virus (HCV RNA PCR)
faqs 1.What should be done for a patient with confirmed HCV infection? 2.When might a specialist be consulted in the management of HCV-infected persons? 3.What is the treatment for acute hepatitis C? 4.What is the treatment for chronic Hepatitis C? 5.Does chronic Hepatitis C affect only the liver?
Prevention and it’s Prognosis:
Never share needles Never share needles Avoid direct exposure to blood or blood products Avoid direct exposure to blood or blood products
Don't share personal care items Don't share personal care items Choose tattoo and piercing parlors carefully Choose tattoo and piercing parlors carefully
Can Diet Help Prevent Hepatitis C?
Things Patients should not eat… Things Patients should not eat…
Prognosis Of HCV
Important Factors Related to Prognosis are following…..
Hepatitis C Prognosis: How Successful Is Treatment?
Positive Prognosis…
Vaccine Prevention…
Vaccination Of HCV.. No Vaccination Because of three Reasons which are following…..
Different Genotypes Different Genotypes HCV mutates very easily HCV mutates very easily No effective cell culture system No effective cell culture system