Blogs for Information and Conversation starters blog/scientific-stereotype.html#comments blog/scientific-stereotype.html#comments changed-debunked.html changed-debunked.html 4/do-moisturisers-cause-skin-cancer/#comments 4/do-moisturisers-cause-skin-cancer/#comments science-articles.html science-articles.html
Blogs for Learning Wysiwig editor means web page authoring with ease! Easy hyperlinking means easy guided web searching Structured discussions The conversation possible on the weblog is also an amazing tool to develop our community of learners. The students get to know each other better by visiting and reading blogs from other students. They discover, in a non-threatening way, their similarities and differences. The student who usually talks very loud in the classroom and the student who is very timid have the same writing space to voice their opinion. It puts students in a situation of equity." 1 Blogs to organize class assignments and to provide summaries of readings. Used in this way, the blogs become "group blogs"—that is, individual blogs authored by a group of people Guided reflection as an e-Portfolioe-Portfolio Sequential entry means construction of a product is transparent Use of comments can be structured to build critical thinking
A Day in the Life of a Blog
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...and found Vonnie’s bookmarks
Hmm totally off the track but... Wow! Looks interesting! But potentially, thousands of other people have found my bookmarks and shared information they had not found themselves.
Then added to Myspace...and dropped in to check my messages Visited the Quest Atlantis group New link added to the Classroom 2.0 group Hmm! Follow it Find announcement of handheld conference Follow it Hmm Danah Boyd looks interesting! her blog, with new perspectives on social networking
Wikis Multi-authoring, collaborative Editable How can they be used for learning? The obvious is for collaborative group work. See
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