The Importance of Belonging Opening Unit Kim Decatrel
DATE AIMs: How do we build community in our class? How do we demonstrate our English skills? (RWLS) DO NOW: What do you see? How are these images alike? Different? What ideas do you think they represent?
DATE: AIMS: How do we demonstrate our language skills? How do we build a sense of community in our classroom? DO NOW: Describe a time you felt excluded. How did it affect you?
Small Group Discussion Make a list of 5 things we can do in our classroom to make sure everyone feels included and like they belong?
New Seats MP1 U – shape Seat partner with a different first language than you.
Vocabulary 1.Inextricably: impossible to separate : closely joined or related 2.Aspirations: something that a person wants very much to achieve 3.Subjective: the way a person experiences things in his or her own mind 4. Instance: an example of a type of action or situation
Belonging is primal and fundamental to our sense of happiness and well- being. “Belonging is a psychological lever that has broad consequences,” writes Walton. Our interests, motivation, health and happiness are inextricably tied to the feeling that we belong to a greater community that may share common interests and aspirations. Isolation, loneliness and low social status can harm a person's subjective sense of well-being, as well as his or her intellectual achievement, immune function and health. Research shows that even a single instance of exclusion can undermine well-being, IQ test performance and self-control. Walton's earlier studies demonstrated that a sense of social belonging can affect motivation and continued persistence, even on impossible tasks. That is, if you don't feel like you belong, you are both less motivated and less likely to hang in there in the face of obstacles.
Main Idea? How do you know? (supporting examples)
Notebook Journal Choose one of the 20 questions to write about. Show me what you know!
Conversation Starters Get to Know Your Classmates 20 Questions Find someone with the same birthday Choose 3 of the following questions to discuss with your partner. Be prepared to share something you heard with the class. If you have time, feel free to discuss more!
1.If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Why? 2.What do you like watching the most on television? Why? 3.Who's played the most influential part in your life? In what ways were they influential? 4.Who or which group do you like listening to the most? Why? 5.Which movie would you like to watch again and again? Why? 6.Who's your most loyal friend? Describe them. 7.What makes you happy? Why? 8.What makes you sad? Why? 9.What makes you afraid? Why? 10.What do you look forward to the most? Why? 11.What are your weaknesses? Strengths? 12.What annoys you? Why? 13.In your opinion, what are the most important things in life? Explain your opinion. 14.What is a regret you have? What would you have done differently? 15.What hope or dream do you have for the future? 16. What or who makes you laugh? 17.If you could do anything today outside of your normal routine, what would it be? 18.Name one thing you like about each season of the year. 19.What is your favorite childhood memory? 20.What does your name mean? How did you get it? Are you named after someone else?
Closure new things you learned about your classmates 2 people you will try to connect with next time. 1 way you can personally make a positive contribution to our class community
HW1 1. Read and Annotate the whole article to demonstrate your interactive reading skills. 2. Identify the main idea and supporting examples to demonstrate your reading comprehension skills.