SINGAPORE Kang-Hoe LEE, Associate Professor, National University Hospital, Singapore.
TYPES of ICU models Open (minority) and closed (majority) Government hospitals tend to be closed Private hospitals are open (15% of hospital beds)
Type of training Background training –Medicine (MRCP or MMed) – Pulmonary/Internal Medicine –Anaesthesia (MMed) –Surgery – one person (Trauma – Miami) Formal critical care training –Pulmonary (one-year of CCM) –Anaesthesia –Under review – critical care alone (FFICANZA-like)
Current proposal
Formal training Medical students – brief exposure during anaesthesia posting; elective in 4 th year Residents – part of medicine/anaesthesia posting for some Fellows/Registrar – part of pulmonary and anaesthesia training; others optional
Key clinical decision makers SICU – surgeon and anaesthesia MICU – CCM and primary physician (final decision rests with CCM) CTICU – mainly surgeons
Educational needs Acute medicine (cardiopulmonary emergencies): –FCCS course –Guidelines / protocols –Computer / clinical decision support Recognition of ICU as a special area – special skills required 24 hours a day Developing a joint CCM curriculum