Seán Bradbury Network Lead Cheshire & Merseyside Teaching PCT
Statutory & mandatory training as an issue is a priority for HRDs across the North West NHS Constitution – Staff pledge “to provide all staff with access to appropriate training” Need to ensure: Efficiency & Effectiveness Quality & Consistency Compliance Why are we doing this?
Cost of training Report by NHS PASA in 2009: Total training spend across the NHS: £ 222,000,000 / Year Savings by not duplicating training: £ 74,000,000 / Year Core Skills Framework can help deliver: Potential savings across the NW: £ 10,700,000 / Year Potential savings for a NHS Trust: £ 200,000 / Year (Based on a 3,000 employees)
Quality of Training Education Outcomes Framework - Still in draft (Health Education England will expect providers to meet) Outcome 2 – Competent and capable staff Outcome 4 – Excellence of education learning and development Outcome 5 – Individuals and professional groups aligned to workforce demand
Time for change Facing unprecedented change across the NHS Can no longer afford to continue as is Need to work collaboratively and smarter If we can tackle statutory & mandatory training Opportunity to expand principles to other training areas
The story so far Stat & Man training a priority for HRDs in C&M Liverpool Women’s Hospital lead an initial workshop CM tPCT set up a programme to develop the outcomes Linked to work in other areas Skills Passport Similar approaches in other regions
What is the CSF? Aims to standardise statutory & mandatory training Covers 9 subjects Agreed set of learning outcomes for each subject Introduces an assessment strategy Conflict Resolution Equality & Diversity Fire Safety Health & Safety Infection Control Moving & Handling Resuscitation Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children
What are the benefits? Establishes quality and consistency in training Prevents duplication of training Recognise training delivered externally Freeing up capacity in Learning & Development Greater workforce flexibility
Implementing the CSF Education Support - Map content - Teaching Packs - Assessments - Facilitator Guides Best Practice Guidance: HR support and advice for organisations E-Learning Opportunities
Workstreams Future Direction in the NW CSF & Skills Passport Future Workforce NW Programme Board Programme Team Junior Doctors Locum & Agency Stakeholder Group
Future Direction Nationally Core Skills Framework National Framework with Skills for Health Clinical Skills Framework Leadership Skills Framework