MISUG Meeting Materials ERCOT 02/14/2012
2 Agenda 02/14/ Antitrust AdmonitionJ. Lavas9:30 a.m. 2.IntroductionJ. Lavas9:35 a.m Accomplishments OverviewJ. Ashbaugh9:45 a.m. 4.Market Data Transparency StatisticsJ. Ashbaugh10:15 a.m. 5. Updates on open Revision Requests NOGRR084 Daily Grid Ops Report **2 PM NPRR422 DAM Shift Factors J. Lavas11:00 a.m. 6. Review Draft Revision Requests / Review Specifications & Gather Market Requirements CRR Shift Factors (#58) Weather Data Assumptions (#37) System Wide RUC Charges (#52) Actual Load Report (#64) Changes to RT Shift Factors Report (New #68) J. Lavas11:15 a.m. Lunch12:00p.m. 7. MISUG Task List Review & Additional Items Step II Mitigation Flag EWS Outages MMUI Change Recommendations J. Lavas1:15 p.m. 8.NOGRR084 DiscussionJ. Lavas2:00 p.m. 9.New BusinessAll2:45 p.m.
Accomplishments 02/14/2012 NPRR_SCRTitleDate SubmittedCurrent Status NPRR329Security Classification Changes2/23/20114/19/ BOD Approved SCR764Public Access to Select MIS Dashboards4/7/20115/17/ BOD Approved NPRR350 Change to the Security Classification of the System Ancillary Service Capacity Monitor Dashboard4/11/20115/17/ BOD Approved SCR765Aggregate Wind Dashboard4/18/20116/21/ BOD Approved NPRR359Monthly TDSP Load Report5/4/20118/16/ BOD Approved NPRR360Summary Report of HDL and LDL5/4/20119/20/ BOD Approved NPRR361 Real-Time Wind Power Production Data Transparency5/4/20118/16/ BOD Approved NPRR382 Verbal RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources Report6/8/20119/20/ BOD Approved NPRR383Unconfirmed Trades Report6/8/20119/20/ BOD Approved
4 Market Data Transparency Statistics - September 02/14/2012
5 Enterprise Information – Extracts & Reports There have been dramatic increases in the number of extracts and reports posted and downloaded since nodal go-live. 02/14/2012 PostingsDownloads Total = 14,896,578Total = 315,365,533 12,941,714 - Certified278,315,699 - Public 1,048,719 - Secure29,064,841 - Secure 906,145 - Public7,984,993 - Certified 2011 Statistics2012 Statistics PostingsDownloads Total = 1,532,113Total = 53,901,081 1,317,051 - Certified41,594,826 - Public 146,102 - Secure9,224,415 - Secure 68,960 - Public3,081,840 - Certified
6 Updates on NPRRs and SCRs 02/14/2012
7 NPRR & SCR Updates NPRR_SCRTitleDescription Date SubmittedCurrent Status Implementation DateMore Information NPRR329 Security Classification Changes Move a defined set of reports from SECURE classification to PUBLIC classification to be available on the ERCOT website, as well as MIS2/23/2011 4/19/ BOD Approved 5/18/ Complete /issues/nprr/ /329/index SCR764 Public Access to Select MIS Dashboards Move a defined set of dashboards to be displayed as PUBLIC on the ERCOT website, as well as MIS4/7/2011 5/17/ BOD Approved August thru October /issues/scr/ /764/index NPRR350 Change to the Security Classification of the System Ancillary Service Capacity Monitor Dashboard Change the security classification from SECURE to PUBLIC to be displayed on the ERCOT website, as well as MIS4/11/2011 5/17/ BOD ApprovedAugust /issues/nprr/ /350/index SCR765 Aggregate Wind Dashboard Create a public aggregate wind dashboard for MIS and the ERCOT webiste4/18/2011 6/21/ BOD Approved /issues/scr/ /765/index NPRR359 Monthly TDSP Load Report Create a monthly report that includes TDSP load data based on initial settlement5/4/2011 8/16/ BOD Approved /issues/nprr/ /359/index NPRR360 Summary Report of HDL and LDL Create a PUBLIC report to run after each SCED to publish the summary of HDL and LDL. Create a PUBLIC report to run after 60 days disclosing the manual overrides for resources and the summary of HDL and LDL.5/4/2011 9/20/2011 – BOD Approved /issues/nprr/ /360/index 02/14/2012
8 NPRR & SCR Updates 02/14/2012 NPRR_SCRTitle Date SubmittedCurrent Status Implementation DateMore Information NPRR361 Real-Time Wind Power Production Data Transparency5/4/2011 8/16/ BOD ApprovedQ /361/index NPRR382 Verbal RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources Report6/8/2011 9/20/ BOD Approved /382/index NPRR383Unconfirmed Trades Report6/8/2011 9/20/ BOD Approved /383/index NPRR422Public DAM Shift Factors10/27/2011 BOD Approval Pending /422/index
9 DRAFT NPRRs / Collect Market Requirements for Extracts/Reports CRR Shift Factors (#58) Weather Data Assumptions (#37) System Wide RUC Charges (#52) Actual Load Report (#64) 02/14/2012
10 Task List Review and New Items Step II Mitigation Flag: Looking for an indicator when the generator has been dispatched under step II of SCED MMUI Change Recommendations (prior agenda item – see task list) EWS Outages (see following slides) 02/14/2012
11 ERCOT PublicFebruary 2012 Highlights ERCOT experienced performance degradation and outages of External Web Services over several days in January/February due to resource contention –1/7 – 1:40am – 7:30am –1/8 – 4:15am –1/18 – 3:00am – 3:47am and 11:26pm – 5:10am (1/19) –1/20 – 1:15am – 3:30am –1/21 – 1:05am – 1:40am –1/26 – EWS outage to allow for patching from 4:15pm-4:45pm Root Cause: Database and hardware resource contention Corrective Action: Restart SQL profiles and patch application –01/27 – EWS performance degradation required database failure and an outage from 3:45pm-3:58pm Corrective Action: Database failover to Bastrop environment with additional hardware capacity (CPU) Long Term Corrective Action: Permanent reconfiguration to ensure adequate hardware resources in both Bastrop and Taylor (complete) –02/09 - Planned Site Failover
12 Highlights (cont.) ERCOT experienced performance degradation of External Web Services due to a hardware failure (1/31) and hardware configuration change (2/2) –01/31 – EWS degradation due to hardware failure Root Cause: Hardware failure (network switch port) Corrective Action: Move connectivity to known good switch port –2/2 – EWS degradation related to data center migration project Root Cause: Decommissioned hardware (Domain Controller) Corrective Action: Re-commission hardware Long Term Corrective Action: Work with vendors and Infrastructure teams to modify processes that ensure Domain servers are isolated prior to decommission ERCOT PublicFebruary 2012
13 Most Common EWS Errors Market Queries & ReportsMarket Queries & Reports –An IOException: Connection Reset Check your connectivity to out side world and call ERCOT helpdesk only if you can reach out side world –Activity timed out Retry. Ensure time out is set to 775 seconds –Error encountered when interacting with the ReplayDetection service in the MarketTransactions Adapter. Retry with the correct timestamp –Internal Server Error, Service is unavailable or Failure to Connect Check market Notices and confirm with the helpdesk if no notice is seen via list serve or issue log –The Http Server replied with a 5XX or 4XX status code. Call Helpdesk if you see more than 10 errors in a row 02/14/2012
14 NOGRR084 See supplemental documentation 02/14/2012
15 Questions 02/14/2012
16 Next Meeting’s Topics 02/14/2012 Next Meeting April? Specs: Follow up: NPRRs: