Non Profit: Farm Aid By Chris Knowlton
About Farm Aid Farm Aid artists and board members Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews host an annual concert to support Farm Aid's work with family farmers and to inspire people to choose food from family farms. Since 1985, Farm Aid has raised $48 million to support programs that help farmers thrive and take action to change the dominant system of industrial agriculture, and promote food from family farms.
Recent Farm Aid Shows 2008 – Mansfield, Massachusetts (20,000) 2009 – St. Louis, Missouri (20,000) 2010 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin (35,000) 2011 – Kansas City, Kansas (15,000) 2012 – Hershey, Pennsylvania (30,000) 2013 – Saratoga Springs, New York (25,000) 2014 – Raleigh, North Carolina (20,000) 2015 – 30 th Anniversary Show TBA (California?)
The Beginning Vintage poster of the first Farm Aid Concert, back in ,000 people in attendance and roughly $9 million raised
Today Farm Aid 2014 in NC
General Information Farm Aid is 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization as defined by the IRS. Office location in Cambridge, Massachusetts 30 total staff members Farm Aid has answered FARM-AID to provide immediate and effective support services to farm families in crisis.
Mission, Vision, Values Farm Aid's mission is to build a vibrant, family farm- centered system of agriculture in America. In order for family farmers to thrive we have to create more markets for them, giving more people the opportunity to access family farm food. Farm Aid fosters connections between farmers and eaters by growing and strengthening local and regional markets and working to get family farm food in urban neighborhoods, grocery stores, restaurants, schools and other public institutions. Values include: Public health, healthy opportunity, local and sustainable farming, agricultural structure
Financial Statements
Where Does the Money Come From?
Most Recently Audited Financials (2013) Income$2,587,533 Program Expenses Promoting Food from Family Farms$527,464 Growing the Good Food Movement$227,323 Helping Farmers Thrive$527,897 Taking Action to Change the System$360,878 Fundraising$189,860 Administration$163,230 Total Spending$1,996,652 End of Year Assets$2,422,790
Grant Programs Growing the Good Food Movement Creating and implementing innovative programs that build local and regional food systems, connecting farmers directly to consumers and creating new markets for family farmers. Helping Farmers Thrive Providing farmers with the tools and resources they need to access new markets, grow sustainably, produce renewable fuels and survive natural disasters. Taking Action to Change the System Working to promote fair farm policies and grassroots organizing campaigns to defend and bolster family farm-centered agriculture.
How Does Farm Aid Spend Its Money? (2013)
How Does Farm Aid Spend Its Money? Audited Expenditures through 2013 Program Services: $34,279,821 (79%) Fundraising & Management: $9,193,316 (21%) Total Expenditures: $43,473,137
Comparable Organizations Center For Food Safety Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund Wholesome Wave Food First
Organizations CFS (Center for Food Safety) Founded in 2000 “Working to protect human health and the environment by curbing the use of harmful food production technologies Offices in Washington DC, San Francisco, Portland FTCLDF (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund) Started in 2007 “Defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods.” Falls Church, Virginia
Organizations (cont..) Wholesome Wave Founded in 2007 “Enables underserved consumers to make healthier food choices by increasing affordable access to fresh, local, and regional food” Bridgeport, Connecticut Food First Began in 1975 The mission of the Institute for Food and Development Policy, better know as Food First, is to end the injustices that cause hunger” Oakland, California
Debt Ratios for 2013 Farm Aid 2013 Liabilities/Assets $210,296/$2,633,086 = 7.9% CFS = 6.7% FTCLDF = 2.5% Wholesome Wave = 26% Food First = 5.5%
Revenues vs. Expenses
SWOT Analysis Strengths -History and tenure -Strong following -Celebrity backed -Good cause Weaknesses -Low publicity -Little public advertising -Young people -Only annual Opportunities -New states and venues -Young generations -Programs and support -Branching out to uneducated Threats -Major food companies -Other concerts/special events -Consumers -Food industry influences
The End