Mustang SuperHero News
Pledge of Allegiance « I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. «
Oklahoma flag salute « I salute the flag of the state of Oklahoma. It’s symbols of peace unite all people. «
Moment of silence
I am a mustang, I promise to do my best. Use teamwork and brain power, treat everyone nicely, and make this a great day! Mustang Creed
Monday: Macaroni and Cheese, hot roll, baked beans, cauliflower, and cherries. B line will serve coutry breakfast. Mustang Lunch
announcements Monday: Award Ceremony Wednesday: Talent show in HS 1PM Thursday: AR Reward Party Friday: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
What did Mr & Mrs hamburger name their daughter? Super Jokes
patty!! Super Jokes