Metric System Metric prefix word Metric prefix symbol Power of ten nanon10 -9 microµ10 -6 millim10 -3 centic10 -2 kilok10 3 megaM10 6 gigaG10 9
Metric system The standard units in Physics are kilograms (kg), seconds (s) and metres (m). The Newton (N) is 1 kgm/s 2 and The Joule (J) is 1 kgm 2 /s 2. To use standard units, students must be able to convert units to standard units for effective communication of data in labs.
Examples 12.0 cm is converted into metres by shifting the decimal place left two spaces. 12.0 cm = m 12.0 g is converted into kg by dividing by 1000 or shifting the decimal left three times. 12.0 g = kg If a mass is given as 12.0 mg, then the decimal shifts left 3 times to grams and then 3 more to kg. Once we get to really small/large numbers, scientific notation is needed. 12.0 mg = kg = 1.20 x kg.
Metric practice Convert to standard units: kg, m, s: 1) 12.0 µm 2) mm 3) 12.0 µg 4) ns 5) Gm 6) 7654 Mg 7) Ms 8) km 9) cs
Metric practice Convert to standard units: kg, m, s: 1) 12.0 µm 1.20 x m 2) mm m 3) 12.0 µg 1.20 x kg 4) ns x s 5) Gm x m 6) 7654 Mg x 10 6 kg 7) Ms x 10 7 s 8) km m 9) cs x s
Graphing Expectations Use a full page of graph paper for graphs in lab reports or assignments. Include the variable and units on each axis (distance (m), time (s), etc.) The title of the graph is in the form y vs. x (Ex: distance versus time, no units needed in title). Calculations are NOT done on the graph, but on a separate page. Errors are indicated by circling dots if no absolute error is known, or error bars for labs.
Graphing Expectations A best fit line or curve is usually expected for all graphs. (Note: a curve can be a best fit line!) Slope calculations: include units and are rounded based on sig digs (determined by precision of measuring devices in the lab (absolute error)). Use +/- half the smallest division of measuring devices in labs, for precision and to determine how many decimals you must measure to.
Graph data from error worksheet Plot displacement versus time and velocity versus time.
Determining data relationships Once data is plotted, several general shapes may arise: linear, power or inverse (possibly a root curve). If a curve results, we wish to determine the relationship between the variables. Once we get a linear graph, we can determine an equation for the data (and a formula may ensue).
Ratios and Proportions The statement of how one quantity varies in relation to another is called a proportionality expression. The goal in physics is to correlate observational data and determine the relationship between the two variables: dependent and independent. We need to take data and determine a relationship and find how the change in one quantity affects the other.
Example 1 Notice that as time doubles, so does distance. As time triples, distance triples. This is a direct relationship (or direct variation). This object is undergoing uniform motion d t time (s) distance (m)
Example 2 Notice that as frequency goes from 5 to 50, (a factor of 10), the period changed from 0.2 to 0.02 (a factor of 1/10). ƒ 1/T Frequency (Hz) Period (s)
Ratios and Proportions Any proportionality can be expressed as an equation by adding a proportionality constant (use the letter “k”, typically). From Ex. 2: ƒ = k (1/T) The “k” constant can be calculated with known values. (We could take numbers from Example #2 and sub in all the values and find the average “k” value.)
Ratios and Proportions Chart ws Chart 1 will be done as an example in class.
Example 1 – algebraic solution You are given that F v 2. If the speed triples, how many times greater is the force? F = kv 2 means that F 1 = k v 1 2 and a new force F 2 = k v 2 2. Taking a ratio of these two expressions eliminates the “k” constant.
Example 1 – algebraic solution F 2 = 9F 1
Example 2 – algebraic solution Given Force is inversely proportional to distance squared, find the new force if the distance is quartered.
Ratios and Proportions ws Answers are on the bottom of the page