Ancient Greek Art
Periods Homeric period – 12 – 8 c. BCE Archaic period – 7 – 6 c. BCE Pre-Classic period – 490 – 440 BCE Classic period – 323 BCE Hellenistic period – 323 – 1 BCE Each period is divided into early, middle and late stage.
Homeric period Monumental sculpture (Lions gate), funeral art, and small stylized wooden sculptures of gods and heroes
Archaic period Kouros – male, nude, frontal, symmetric Kora – female, dressed, painted, frontal, symmetric Muscular Always smile 2 schools – Doric and Ionian.
Classic period - Myron
Polykleitos - Doryphoros Javelin thrower Worked in Argos Wrote “Canon”, describing the proportions of human body
Peonius - Nike Masters the motion through the arrangement of clothes
Skopas - Hercules
Phideas - Zeus
Phideas – Battle of Centurions
Praxiteles – Aphrodite of Knidos