By: Ash, Jess, Natasha, Eslie
Prevent customers from using fraud identity (false tickets) when being admitted into the theme park.
Earn more money. Stop letting in those with admission passes that are not theirs. Sell more admission passes (tickets).
Upon being born, after regular procedures are performed, the baby is taken to a room to get their iris’ scanned. The scanner catches the shape of the iris, the colors, where the colors are, the shape of the eye, etc. Every year, until they reach age 7, they come in for annual scans for the best performance all around, with more accurate results. Once they reach age 7, they come in every 5 years to get their eye rescanned for more recent and accurate results.
Buying tickets at the park: If you are buying a ticket at the park, you need to have recent eye scans done within 5 years. If not, buying an admission ticket will require paperwork within the process. Once you purchase your ticket, the ticket seller will scan the ticket’s barcode, scan your eye and link them together. When you walk to the entrance of the park you have to hand them your ticket then scan your eye. Unless a malfunction occurs, you will be allowed into the theme park. Buying tickets online: If you are buying tickets on the internet, you need to have your eye identification code handy. If you do not have it or are able to access it, you are not eligible to purchase a ticket. Once you purchase your ticket, you will have to punch in your eye identification code to be able to complete the transaction.
It may seem very futuristic, but all it is, is a digital camera It takes visible and near infrared light to take pictures of a persons iris. The infrared makes the persons pupil darker than what it usually is, making a high contrast between the iris and pupil. The camera either focuses automatically or you use a mirror or audible program from the eye scanner to make sure it’s positioned correctly. Your eye is position 3-10 inches from the camera. Once the picture is taken, the computer captures: ◦ The center of the pupil ◦ The edge of the pupil ◦ The edge of the iris ◦ The eyelids and eyelashes It analyzes the iris and pupil, forming it into a code.
If it weren’t for the eye scanner, then people would still come in our theme park using admission tickets that were already used. They’d leave the park with a stamp on their hand, hand the ticket off to somebody who wanted in, and so on. It was eating holes into our pockets with our money. We were close to going into debt. It was scary. But see, the eye scanner stopped all that. It made to wear you had to have had your eye scanned as a young child and up. If you produce the code when purchasing the tickets, you couldn’t buy any. Also, if you had a ticket you didn’t buy and it came across the computer, you wouldn’t be let in. Since we got it, more and more people have been buying tickets and having a blast.
An eye recognition scanner uses 255 point matches within the eye, versus just 70 point matches in a fingerprint scan. Your eyes tell no eyes…meaning that basically the chances of not accurately identifying a person based on their eye scanning is very slim to none. The process is done entirely with technology and doesn’t require lots of paperwork, clean- up, etc.
Eye Recognition scanners are very expensive. And in a large theme park, the costs generally need to be aimed more towards the rides and tourist aspects of the park. Contact lenses and long eyelashes preventing a clear scan can cause complications.
A few issues that might concern someone that passes through an eye recognition scanner is privacy. Who has access to your identity while your scan is being analyzed? In this situation, with our theme park, only the security department of the park will have access to your eye analysis and identity. These security officers are held under law not to share any information with anyone else unless there is a safety concern or fraud identity case.
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