REPORT on WORKING GROUP OF DIAMOND EXPERTS KIMBERLEY PROCESS CERTIFICATION SCHEME KP Plenary, Guangzhou, PR China Karla Basselier (WDC) and Louis Perron (Government of Canada) Co chairs WGDE to replace Mark Van Bockstael as KP WGDE Chair
Central African Republic continue the implementation of the KP CAR Road map Support the implementation of the road map by the WGDE Further implement the AD on ensuring that diamonds from CAR are not introduced into the legitimate trade (July 2014) Update on the current footprint Initiation of work to develop fingerprint data WORKING GROUP DIAMOND EXPERTS 2 Guangzhou, 14 November 2014
Terms of Reference WGDE Discussion to update the 2009 ToR of the WGDE in order to comply with already accepted KP Administrative Decisions and cooperation with the WCO New version of the ToR adopted by the members of the WGDE WORKING GROUP DIAMOND EXPERTS 3 Shanghai, 11 June 2014
Improving and updating footprint Continued discussion to update footprint collection including Sierra Leone Creation of a KP database for digital pictures of rough diamond shipments to complement the footprinting and fingerprinting analysis WORKING GROUP DIAMOND EXPERTS 4 Shanghai, 11 June 2014
Technical Certificats and Letters of Comfort Discussion on the use of Letters of Comfort To initiate a chain of custody for export of potentially diamondiferous rock samples To serve to communicate an opinion to Customs officials and to importing KP Participants Additional guidance for Technical Certificates for detained, seized goods or goods that need to be internationally transported for scientific research WORKING GROUP DIAMOND EXPERTS 5 Shanghai, 11 June 2014
Other WGDE matters Preliminary results of the survey on procedures relative to the forfeiture/confiscation of rough diamonds by KP Participants WGDE will reactivate the work done on valuation through the setup of a dedicated sub-group WORKING GROUP DIAMOND EXPERTS 6 Shanghai, 11 June 2014