For TaxWise Desktop Installation November 19, 2009
Objectives Make a District TaxWise TaxWise Defaults Create User Names & Groups Create icons for each site Make a TaxWise installer Install TaxWise on a computer Run the cloned TaxWise 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop2
Optional Install TrueCrypt on a flash drive Install a TaxWise clone on a flash drive Run TaxWise from a flash drive 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop3
District TaxWise TaxWise setup and installation will be managed at the district level One TaxWise setup can be used by all preparers and transmitters in the district Each installation requires a unique DCN Basic setup does not permit transmitting Transmitting computers: transmitting is enabled and transmit codes for secondary EFINs are entered if needed May be installed on computer or flash drive 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop4
Getting Organized E-file Sites E-file preparers and transmitters Equipment AARP/IRS, personal, site District/site operation EFCs at >1 site Equipment stays at site or travels with EFC 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop5
District Information 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop6
District Info Questions/Issues Sites without EFIN Paper only sites New EFIN not received E-file sites that will not have an EFIN >1 EFIN will transmit for a site Why? When might this be necessary? Transmitting/secondary EFINs 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop7
Prior Year Software EFIN: Reg Code: YYPC-AAJT-YJVG-JBAA-XXKN 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop8
Exploring the Clone Tools CD Read Me file Clone Installer - Copy the CONTENTS of this folder to the flash drive or CD that will be used to install TaxWise. A zipped UTSYY folder must be added to the installer flash drive or CD. Clone Options - Adobe Reader, printer drivers and Removable Drive TaxWise. Documentation - Clone Instructions and TW2008 Training Specs Make Clone Tools - TW Make Icons and TWzip. The zipped folder produced by TWzip goes on the installer flash drive or CD. 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop9
TaxWise Defaults Defaults common to all User names are entered in Admin User before creating site User names – Fed and NJ form defaults (examples: Practitioner PIN, NJ on W-2, 1099-R) – User Defined History Lists – Print Packages – Private Forms – Browser Tabs (for references) After creating site User names, enter defaults unique to each site in the site User name – Main Info: SIDN – 8879: EFIN, SIDN and site name & address 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop10
TaxWise Users and Groups 1 User Name per site User names are in EFC Group that cannot Transmit Get Acks, Mail and Updates ERO Group Can transmit returns and receive Acks After TaxWise is installed on transmitting computers/flash drives, User names of transmitting sites are moved to ERO Group 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop11
TaxWise Passwords Passwords are required on all User names Site User name passwords are needed by EFCs & EROs Passwords for Admin, Guest, Training & ERO created User names should be limited to EROs 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop12
Vista TrueCrypt and TaxWise will run on Vista The Florida Clone should install on Vista If necessary, disable UAC 11/18/2008New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop13
Make a District TaxWise 1. Install TaxWise 2008 from CD/flash drive 2. Complete Setup screens and register EFIN 3. Install TaxWise New Jersey 4. Establish defaults in Admin 5. Create EFC and ERO Groups 6. Create site Users with User specific defaults 7. Take a break! 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop14
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District TaxWise Status Check 1 User name for each e-file site Common defaults for all sites except SIDN [Main Info & 8879] EFIN [8879] Still need EFIN in Setup to match EFIN on 8879 May want to add Carry forward 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop16
Changing Setup Screens Manually – Not recommended >1 TaxWise installation on 1 computer Different flash drive for each EFIN or site Florida Clone Automates setup screen changes Uses 1 desktop icon for each site Copies the correct setup info into TaxWise before opening Can remember changes to the setup info 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop17
Make Icons Overview 1. For a site User name in TaxWise In General Setup screen: EFIN that transmits for site Change to the site User name Exit TaxWise 2. Make an icon with the site User name. This saves setup information including transmitting EFIN. 3. Open TaxWise and repeat 1 & 2 for another site User name 4. When icons have been made for all site User names, copy icons to desktop and make a backup. 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop18
Make TW Icons In My Computer, right click the Clone Tools CD Click Explore this CD Open the Make Clone Tools folder Run TW Make Icons 1 – Enter Tax year yy 2 – Run TaxWise Change Setup Options for the EFIN for this User name Select User name Exit TaxWise 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop19
Make TW Icons, continued 3 – Create and save ICON Enter User name [this must be one of the User names in TaxWise] Save setup.0 file? [normally Yes] Network? [normally No] Enter Desktop ICON Name [normally same as site User name; spaces are permitted] To make another icon return to 2 – Run TaxWise 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop20
TW Make Icons Options before Exit Copy Icons to Desktop Make a Backup of setup.x files 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop21
Contingencies New EFIN not yet received Create site User name – leave 8879 EFIN blank Create icon – use any EFIN in General Setup screen When EFIN received, update 8879 & Setup screen TaxWise Desktop backup to TWO Not recommended But if you insist: Decide on transmitting ERO/EFIN [not a TWO EFIN] Create site User name with appropriate SIDN & EFIN Create icon with transmitting EFIN in General Setup screen 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop22
The Carry Forward Process 2008 Tax returns are restored to TaxWise 2008 [the EFIN used to create the return must be registered in this TaxWise 2008 installation] To carry forward to TaxWise 2009 the EFIN used to create the return must be registered in TaxWise 2009 From TaxWise 2009 select the 2008 returns to carry forward Returns carried forward to 2009 are in the Proforma folder and not segregated by User name 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop23
Carry Forward Options Create individual site folders with carry forward data and copy into each TaxWise installation at the respective site Carry forward all district returns into the District TaxWise setup 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop24
Prior Year Taxpayer Data Refer to TaxWise User Manual for Tax Year 2009 Restore to TaxWise 2008 in encrypted volume From TaxWise 2009, Tools/Carry Forward/Prior Year Can filter by User name and SSN Carry forward data from all sites goes into the same folder – all User names have access to all carried forward data Once Prior Year Taxpayer Data has been carried forward into TaxWise 2009, it can be transferred to another computer without restoring the returns to TaxWise 2008 again. 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop25
Transfer of Prior Year Taxpayer Data to another computer To copy from this installation, Tools then Utilities/Setup Options File/Copy Proforma Files To copy to another installation, Tools then Utilities/Setup Options File/Copy Proforma Files 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop26
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Finishing District TaxWise Consider dedicating a computer to development of the District TaxWise package Add the latest updates [Federal, NJ, Help,..] and references All information for filing year version should be available by mid-January When District TaxWise is complete, do an independent second check [quality review] 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop29
How do you put District TaxWise on other computers? Zip the UTSxx folder Put the zipped folder on a flash drive with installer programs and folders Copy the flash drive to a CD or other flash drives if desired Run the CD or flash on other computers [or flash drives] to install TaxWise, entering unique DCN on each 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop30
Making the Clone Installer Starting with a clean flash drive, 512 MB or larger, copy the following from the Clone Installer folder (on Clone Tools CD): Do not copy the Clone Installer folder. AutoPlay folder autorun application autorun setup information The Clone Options folder has other optional items you can copy to the flash drive that will be your installer: Removable Drive TW [used for flash drive installs] Adobe Reader /19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop31
The Zip File Your District TaxWise [UTSyy] will be compressed with a password. The clone installer program requires the file in this format with the name assigned by the zip program. More than 1 tax year can be zipped and put on the clone CD Only 1 version of a particular tax year can be on the clone CD 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop32
TW Zip Open TW Zip Select drive with TaxWise Click Here to create Enter year and 8+ character password Specify the installer flash drive as location to save Exit 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop33
The Clone Installer The Clone Installer flash should now have everything required plus any options you have chosen Copy this to a CD if desired 11/19/2009 Required Optional Used for Traveler New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop34
EFC computers and flash drives Transmitting installations Transmitting for more than 1 EFIN Starting TaxWise 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop35
Installing TaxWise from the clone If installing to a flash drive, plug it into a computer If the drive is encrypted, mount it Plug the Installer Flash Drive into the computer Select the drive where TaxWise will be installed Enter the tax year. There can be > 1 tax year on the Installer Use the password to unzip Answer No to all add/update registry requests Network installation: No Copy individual icons: Yes 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop36
Post Install Recommended for installations used at > 1 site: Arrange desktop icons Sites scheduled for this EFC in upper right Other sites lower right [or deleted-can be pulled from desktop folder if needed] Consider for installations used at only 1 site Delete unneeded icons Delete unneeded User names 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop37
ERO Computers EROs need permission to transmit and receive acks Some EROs will transmit for >1 EFIN EROs may want additional TaxWise User Names to help manage returns [for example, Accepted and Paper] 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop38
Transmitting Computer/Flash Change transmitting User name(s) to ERO Group Add User name(s) to manage transmitted and paper returns, if desired Add XMIT codes for secondary sites [if not done earlier] 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop39
Transmitting a secondary EFIN 11/19/ From the Tools menu select Utilities/Setup Options 2.From the Setup menu select Register Software Note: The transmitting EFIN must be on the Company setup screen. 3.Enter the secondary EFIN 4.Enter the XMIT code in the Registration Code boxes New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop40
Transmitting and Acknowledgements for >1 EFIN Open TaxWise with the icon for the site of the Primary EFIN. This puts the transmitting EFIN in the Setup screens. Returns for Secondary EFIN(s) can be transmitted from Primary User name. Acks and Rejects for Primary and Secondary EFINs can be received in Primary User name will be grouped by EFIN 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop41
Running the cloned TaxWise Select an icon to start Note the 2 windows in the task bar View the batch file window behind TaxWise [if Vista] Use the TaxWise window labels to confirm tax year and User name User name and printer present at Exit will be saved 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop42
Tracking TaxWise installations What can go wrong? 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop43
Managing the Clone In the district District level DCN assignment [multiples of 1000 recommended] District level passwords for User names and TrueCrypt Tracking where TaxWise is installed Tracking TaxWise uninstall and data removal [during and end of season] At the sites Check correct start of TaxWise for this site 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop44
Tracking TaxWise Installations 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop45
What can go wrong? Problem Compensation Laptop or flash drive failure Corrupt TaxWise installation Florida Clone: Opened with wrong icon or Wrong User name selected Corrupt setup file Flash drive disconnects Frequent backups Run TWTech. If necessary, re-install & adjust DCN. Early detection by supervisor. “Return not registered” recovery Restore from saved icons file Shutdown, re-boot and restart Traveler 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop46
Corrupt Setup File Icon places wrong Setup information in TaxWise Symptom: Return not registered Verify by checking EFIN in General Setup screen Fix: Change EFIN in General Setup screen or Replace Setup.0 file from UTSxx/Backup 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop47
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District TaxWise Questions What User names are in the District version of TaxWise? Site User names should be created before common defaults are created in the Admin User name. T or F? What defaults are different for each site User name? All new EFINs must be received before making a District TaxWise. T or F? How are EFCs prevented from transmitting returns? 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop49
More District TaxWise ?? In a review of your district TaxWise before running TWZip several errors are discovered. How can each be fixed? Change 8453 to print 3 copies Add “Property Tax Rebates” document to references Mark NJ-1040 pg 3 to default to e-file When opening TaxWise with the Library site icon the User name is Admin 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop50
TaxWise Install Questions A CD which installs the clone for tax year 2009 can also install a clone for tax year T or F? When installing the clone on a computer that will use network printing, answer YES to the network installation question. T or F? Who determines the DCN for a TaxWise installation and why? Once prior year taxpayer data has been carried forward, how can it be transferred to another installation? 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop51
Transmitter Questions What is done to TaxWise after installation for an ERO? How is an XMIT code entered to enable one EFIN to transmit for another? How does an ERO with 2 independent EFINs transmit for each? How does an ERO with 2 linked EFINs transmit for each? What happens to a return if the EFIN on the Company setup screen does not match the EFIN on the 8879? 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop52
Password Questions Which of these installations requires a password on the operating system? TaxWise 2008 used only for training on a computer TaxWise 2009 on a flash drive TaxWise 2008 with retained data on a computer Who should know the TaxWise password for a. Adminb. Trainingc. Guest Written passwords/password reminders should be [T/F] Hidden in the computer carrying case On the laptop lid so they are readily accessible In the counselor’s purse or wallet Distributed to EFC’s via 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop53
Encryption Questions Regular backups from TaxWise must be to an encrypted drive. [True or False] Which of these must be on an encrypted drive? TaxWise 2008 used only for training TaxWise 2009 on a flash drive TaxWise 2008 with retained data An EFC flash drive locked in the ERO’s home safe A TrueCrypt volume must be created on IRS computers before installing TaxWise. [True or False] You should update the TrueCrypt program periodically. [True or False] 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop54
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Primary Flash Drive Benefits Flash drives can enable tax preparation on computers that would otherwise be unavailable Site desktop that will be used by others in addition to Tax-Aide Personal laptop owned by the volunteer’s employer Personal laptop shared among several members of the household Flash drive on an ERO personal laptop facilitates substituting 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop57
Secondary Considerations Flash drives can reduce the number of computers with taxpayer data Flash drives may be retained by EROs reducing the number of volunteers with taxpayer data End of season data removal limited to flash drives Loss or theft reporting same as computer 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop58
Other Considerations Computers using TaxWise flash drives will have registry entries and may require desktop icons, printer drivers and wireless network setups If “jiggled”, may disconnect. Solution: Shutdown, re- boot and restart Traveller Failure may occur due to age or physical damage Backup/Restore on laptops with only 2 USB ports Flash drives are reimbursed as “S” code expenses 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop59
Flash Drive Identification Identification and info to return if lost, not theft prevention Name, address and/or phone of you or custodian (could be a return address label) If found call _ Unique ID (on outside and as device name) No reference to “Tax-Aide” or “tax” “Property of AARP Foundation” is OK Key tag, indelible ink, etc. 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop60
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First Run When the flash drive is used on a computer for the first time, TaxWise must be installed Mount the P drive Open the P drive directory Run RemovableDriveTW 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop62
11/19/2009 Click New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop63
TaxWise Install (RemovableDriveTW) After clicking on Yes to answer “Is this the first time TaxWise is being run on this PC?”, the standard TW install will launch and you will see the usual set of dialogs It is important to wait for the TW install to finish before proceeding! 11/19/2009 Do NOT click OK here Until you see this Dialog box (and click OK) New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop64
11/19/2009 Click Then New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop65
Alternate First Run TaxWise can also be installed by running the Setup application [setup.exe] in the TWTech folder in UTSXX 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop66
Flash Drive Questions What capacity flash drives are recommended? How are the costs of flash drives reimbursed? What must be done if a flash drive with taxpayer data is lost or stolen? 11/19/2009New Jersey Tax-Aide Clone Workshop67
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