Container manifest Communication MTAC - eInduction 1
Agenda Current data Structures Current Process and Rules Open Issues 2
3 Plan to rename Container manifest GroupID to ConsigneeContainermanifestID And add ShipperCotainerManifestID Container manifest Data Elements
Container Manifest Current Process 5
Container manifest 6 Current Rules Pre induction This process/communication is NOT related with the FAST system’s appointments/stand alone contents today. The Message is sent by Mailers computer to the PO! computers Basic authentication and authorization of transaction occurs ShipperContainerManifestID is required eInduction creates ConsigneeContainerManifestID to track the manifest and sends back to the Shipper eInduction performs validation against the data Checks for barcode uniqueness Checks to make sure the postage statement ID exists in the PostalOne! system
Container manifest 7 Current Rules Pre induction Checks to make sure the Entry Point Zip Code (logical Zip exists) Checks (Optional) if Locale key is present Checks (optional) if appointment ID is present
Container manifest 8 Current Rules Pre induction eInduction creates the e8125 for all possible facilities available for induction for the Zip Code Else, if locale Key is present, eInduction only creates e8125 for the facility identified by the locale key If there is a redirection for the locale key, then eInduction creates e8125 for the original and redirected Facility If appointment ID is present, then eInduction makes the appointment ID available to the SV system as part of the e8125 process eInduction reports Induction status on the Container manifest Report
Container manifest 9 Current Rules Pre induction – FAST Process and its impact to Container Manifest data sent to eInduction The below FAST Mail.XML transactions will update, cancel e8125s that were created through Container manifest message and send the updated status to the SV devices Mailer creates/updates appointments in FAST while providing Barcodes (IMcbs) Mailer creates Standalone Contents (IMcbs) in FAST while linking to appointments (optional for SV sites) Mail.XML created Standalone contents can be linked via Online FAST website Content to appointment linkage means, IMcb data linkage with appointments, NOT online content linkage with appointments
Container manifest 10 Current Rules Post induction SV devices are used to induct Mail and closeout is sent to the eInduction system eInduction reports Induction status on the Container manifest Report
Container manifest 11 Open Issues Is there a need to also use this message as a STAND ALONE Content message for FAST to avoid Standalone Content message separately, if needed Will require additional optional fields Is there a need to update any of this information Add IMcbs Remove IMcbs Change Statement ID Change Locale Key