How do the people affect their country?
Will we ever reach a point where the Earth can no longer support its population?
Chapter 4-3 through 4-5 late - in class assignment Do Nows late Culture Projects - late, 50% value Quiz grades entered today - unforeseen circumstance MIRPL Assignment - get articles approved - get assignments done early
ISIS beheads another American aid worker - former US soldier - converted to Islam 91 y/o woman declared dead - wakes up 11 hours later in cold storage - was checked by doctor
Will we ever reach a point where the Earth can no longer support its population?
Population Density = average number of people/ unit of land ◦ People/ square mile Carrying Capacity = # of organisms land can support
Birth Rate= Live Births / 1,000 Fertility rate ◦ average number of children/ woman ◦ Worldwide average= 3.0 ◦ US= 2.06
Mortality (________) Rate= # of deaths/ 1,000 Infant Mortality Rate ◦ Deaths of children under 1 yr old/1,000 Rate of Natural Increase ◦ = birth rate - mortality rate
United States: ◦ Birth Rate= per 1,000 ◦ Death Rate= 8.39 per 1,000 ◦ What is our Rate of Natural Increase? What does this mean for us? ◦ e=active e=active
1. In what way does population help determine the “status” of a country or location? 2. Can we make inferences from these statistics? If so, How?