Crime Data Survey By …….. Oraphin Mathew Anon Juntavich International Workshop on Social Statistics, November 2010, BEIJING, CHINA
2 TOPICS Background Objective Scope and coverage 2006 Pilot survey in Bangkok 2007 Pilot survey in Nakhon Si Thammarat, 2008 Crime data survey 2010 Crime data survey Main findings of surveys
3 Background Cooperation between National Statistical Office & Ministry of Justice to conduct a sample survey of crime data in Thailand. The first survey, 2006 Crime data was conducted as a pilot survey only in Bangkok. In 2007, the second pilot survey was carried out in Nakhon Si Thammarat province only.
4 Background (cont.) Crime data for the whole kingdom was collected as a sample survey in 2008 to have the police area data. In 2010, only having the basic information data for the whole kingdom ( budget limitation to collect detailed information ). Plans to have sample survey every two years.
5 Objective Collecting data :- characteristics of victims of crime characteristics of offender location of crime time of occurring crime relationship between offender & victim type of crime, etc.
6 Scope and coverage Population aged > 15 years who suffer cause crime in the previous year. Crimes are divided into four categories crime against property crime against life and body sex crime disclosure private information
Pilot Survey ( Bangkok ) Sample Design : using a two-stage sampling First stage ( PSU ) : 450 sampled BLKs by pps - sampling ( N = 16,717 BLKs ) Second stage (SSU) : 80 sampled hhs. per BLK by sys - sampling ………………………….…………………………… (450 BLKs x 80 hhs per BLK = 36,000 hhs )
Pilot Survey ( Bangkok ) Data collection Sampled household Did any members in hh. face victims of crime last year ? (using listing form) yes face to face interviewing terminate no
Pilot Survey ( Nakhon Si Thammarat Province ) Sample Design : using a stratified cluster sampling stratification : local administration area ( = 2 ) municipal areas : 237 sampled Blocks ( BLK ) by pps – sampling ( N=436 BLKs ) non-municipal areas : 157 sample villages by pps – sampling ( N=1,563 vils ) ********** 394 sampled BLK/vil.
10 Sample Design : using a stratified cluster sampling every households in each sample BLK/villages are interviewed 2007 Pilot Survey (Nakhon Si Thammarat Province) …………………………. …………………………… (394 BLKs/vil x 150 hhs per BLK/vil = 59,100 hhs )
11 Data collection Sampled household Did any members in hh. faces victims of crime last year ? (using listing form) yes face to face interviewing terminate no 2007 Pilot Survey (Nakhon Si Thammarat Province)
12 Sample Design : using a stratified cluster sampling stratification : police area (= BKK+9 regions) & local administration area ( = 2 ) municipal areas : 3,336 sampled Blocks ( BLK ) by pps – sampling ( N=42,593 BLKs ) non-municipal areas : 2,460 sample villages by pps – sampling ( N=67,373 vils ) ********** 5,796 sampled BLK/vil Crime Data Survey
13 Sample Design : using a stratified cluster sampling every households in each sample BLK/villages are interviewed 2008 Crime Data Survey
Crime Data Survey : Police area Total ( BLKs/villages) Municipal areas ( blocks) Non-municipal areas ( villages ) BKK Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region Total5,7963,3362,460 Sample Size
15 Data collection Sampled household Did any members in hh. face victims of crime last year ? (using listing form) yes face to face interviewing terminate no 2008 Crime Data Survey
16 Collecting only basic information by adding entries in the listing form of LFS ( because of the limitation of budget ) Sample design : stratified cluster sampling Sample size : 5,796 sampled Blocks/villages for presentation BKK and 9 police areas 2010 Crime Data Survey
17 Main findlings from the survey Item2006 (Bangkok) 2007 (Nakhon Si Thammarat) 2008 (whole kingdom) 1. characteristics of victim of crime % are female % married % age % earning ฿5,000 - ฿10, accommodation has no privacy, no fence % are male % married % age % earning < ฿ 5, % accommodation has no privacy % no fence % are male 2. 74% married % age % earning <฿5, % victims of sex crimes ( most are women who have no work ) 2. characteristics of offender 2.1 one offender 2.2 > 1 offenders % are male % age % are male % age % are male % age % are male % age % have only one offender per event % are male % age most are male % age 18-25
18 Main findlings from the survey Item2006 (Bangkok) 2007 (Nakhon Si Thammarat) 2008 (whole kingdom) 3. location of crime 4. time of occurring crime % are accommodation of victims % time – % are accommodation of victims % time – % are accommodation of victims % time – relationship between offender and victim % didn’t know each other before % didn’t know each other before 2. 11% neighbors of victim % didn’t know each other before
19 Main findlings from the survey Item2006 (Bangkok) 2007 (Nakhon Si Thammarat) 2008 (whole kingdom) 6. percentage of victims 7. type of crime - total 7.1 crime against property 7.2 crime against life and body 7.3 sex crime 7.4 impersonation person information 1.3% 100.0% 93.1% 4.2% 0.8% 1.9% 0.69% 100.0% 93.8% 4.4% - 1.8% 0.6% 100.0% 94.0% 4.6% 0.3% 1.1%
20 Main findlings from 2008 survey Item WK BKK 1. characteristics of victim of crime 1.1 sex 1.2 education A2A8 A7A6A5 A4A3A9A1 male female none primary secondary bachelor degree (majority)