Hingham Student Facilitator Program Mr. Doherty Dr. Struzziero
Vision Hingham High School will remain a welcoming, safe and positive place to work and to learn.
Goals create an environment of mutual respect create an environment of mutual respect enable classmates to explore issues of disrespect and bullying enable classmates to explore issues of disrespect and bullying
Expectations for Facilitators “At its heart, facilitating is about promoting participation, ensuring equity, and building trust”
Expectations for Facilitators “role models for civility and respect”
What does a Facilitator Do? establish communication establish communication build trust build trust offer enlightenment about relevant social issues offer enlightenment about relevant social issues collaborate in the pursuit of a common goal collaborate in the pursuit of a common goal
Skills researching researching reading reading writing writing public speaking skills public speaking skills discussion leading skills discussion leading skills self reflection self reflection collaboration collaboration problem solving problem solving
Facilitators’ Toolkit knowledge knowledge communication communication norms of respectful behavior norms of respectful behavior perspective taking perspective taking empathy empathy ally ally
Unit Summary Definitions Definitions School Violence School Violence Male bullying Male bullying Female bullying Female bullying Cyber-bullying Cyber-bullying Discussion Leading Discussion Leading Practicum Practicum
Instructional Materials ADL World of Difference Institute Manual for Peer Trainers ADL World of Difference Institute Manual for Peer Trainers No Easy Answers No Easy Answers Real Boys Real Boys Queen Bees and Wannabes Queen Bees and Wannabes Media: Bowling For Columbine, Mean Girls, Drillbit Taylor Media: Bowling For Columbine, Mean Girls, Drillbit Taylor
Assessments: total points system Class Participation Class Participation Unit Reflections Unit Reflections Simulations Simulations Active Portfolio Active Portfolio Facilitation Demonstration (Authentic Assessment) Facilitation Demonstration (Authentic Assessment) Facilitation (Junior and Senior years) Facilitation (Junior and Senior years)
Contact Information Phil Struzziero- Phil Struzziero- Mike Doherty Mike school phone ext or 1630 school phone ext or 1630 Thank You!