1 Law Enforcement National Data Exchange July 2007 Industry Briefing & IJIS Committee Meetings 07/27-28/2007
2 Raytheon’s Role in the Project Awarded the contract, February 2007 by FBI-CJIS to develop and implement N-DEx system Technological design and requirements were guided by the Concept of Operations (CONOPS). CONOPS was developed by FBI-CJIS in collaboration with LEA subject matter experts, national law enforcement associations, and the CJIS Advisory Policy Board Long term goals for the N-DEx project: Provide a powerful new investigative tool to search, link, analyze data for disparate local, state, tribal, and federal systems for the exchange of information Provide a one-stop-shop capability
3 Increment 1
4 Increment 1 (Cont.) Objective Introduce a national information sharing service with up to 5 years of correlated incident reports Features Search, sort and filter results Resolve and correlate entities and cases (People, Vehicles, Locations, Reports) Visualize incident relationships and timelines Analytical/Reporting using pre-defined reports On-line training Security and data privacy controls Agency toolkit (to facilitate Increment 2 agency integration)
5 Leveraged Systems NCIC / III One DOJ CJIS Services ESAN for storage SIT for data backup NCIC/N-DEx Web Services Interface (To include QW, QG, QA, and QV ) LEO for user identification, collaboration through existing LEO services Users 50,000 Users Emphasize detectives, analysts, and investigators Data Incident / Case Reports Risk Reduction Prototypes Raytheon Usability prototype for search and visualization Raytheon Technology prototype for search and correlation scalability and accuracy Increment 1 (Cont.)
6 N-DEx Data Sensitivity Levels The entering agency categorizes data submitted to the System into levels of sensitivity upon which the dissemination of the information/data is controlled. APB Approved Sensitivity Levels: - This capability will allow agencies to submit information for sharing but control the dissemination of sensitive information to protect investigative equities. - Sensitivity applied to specific data elements if needed LEVEL 1 - SHARED N-DEx shall provide the capability for data contributors to allow sharing data it submits to N-DEx LEVEL 2 – CONDITIONALLY SHARED N-DEx shall provide the capability for data contributors to specify “pointer based” sharing of data. (i.e. provide POC information only) LEVEL 3 – NOT SHARED N-DEx shall provide the capability for data contributors to restrict data its submits to N-DEx. This level is reserved for the most restricted investigations and investigative information.
7 Granularity of Sharing Policy Sharing policy can apply to entire records specific elements/attributes within the record, or groups of elements/attributes If data received pre-tagged, sharing policy must apply to entire record (#’s 1-3 in example)
8 Sharing Rules, Increment 1 1 If incident type is SEX CRIME and person is type VICTIM, personal identifying data is restricted, except for > 2 If person is of type WITNESS and person attribute AGE IS LESS THAN 18 AT TIME OF EVENT, personal identifying data is restricted, except for > 3 If person is of type SUBJECT and person attribute AGE IS LESS THAN 18 AT TIME OF EVENT, personal identifying data is restricted, except for > 4 If person is of type VICTIM and person attribute AGE IS LESS THAN 18 AT TIME OF EVENT, personal identifying data is restricted, except for > 5 All Incidents are pointer-based accessed, except for > Note: “personal identifying data” is Name, SSN, Age, and Address In Increment 1, contributors can select rules from a pre-defined list Candidate rules include:
9 N-DEx will be required to query NCIC via NCIC transactions such as the QW, QG, QA, and QV transaction. N-DEx will search 16 of the 21 NCIC files, to include Interstate Identification Index (III) search. N-DEx / NCIC Integration Originating Agency Identifier Wanted Person Missing Person Foreign Fugitive U.S. Secret Service Protective Vehicle License Plate Boat Vehicle/Boat Part Article Gun Violent Gang and Terrorist Organization Convicted Person on Supervised Release Convicted Sexual Offender Registry Identity Theft Immigration Violators
10 Toolkit Goals Minimize the burden and cost of N-DEx participation for LEAs Facilitate mapping from LEA data schema to N-DEx XSD Promote reuse of mappings Provide a basis for automated data transformation Entirely a COTS solution (Sypherlink)
11 Toolkit Analyzer results are used by harvester relationship Manager to facilitate mapping from LEA data schema to N- DEx Requires relational representation of N-DEx Requires expertise with both the data and relational concepts
12 Increment 2
13 Increment 2 (Cont.) Objective Facilitate a network of collaboration in the LE community Features Geographic-based search and visualization Targeted content delivery through automated processing, subscription, and notification services Integrated collaboration environment for ad-hoc investigative teams Analytical/Reporting with user-defined reports High availability system Resolve and correlate entities and cases (Expand to include additional entities) NIBRS (extraction) Entity extraction from text Leveraged Systems None additional
14 Increment 2 (Cont.) CJIS Services NCIC/N-DEx Web Services Interface (Expanded) III (Response in XML) CJIS DMZ Users 100,000 User Extend to investigation teams Data Arrest / Booking Data Incarceration Data Additional attributes Risk Reduction Prototypes Raytheon Usability prototype for subscription/notification, collaboration, and manual entity linking. Raytheon Technology prototype for notification service scalability
15 Increment 3
16 Increment 3 (Cont.) Objective Provide ubiquitous and seamless access to entire LE community Features Standard geocoding of all submitted data Web service interface for all N-DEx services Correlation and analysis to detect crime networks, patterns, and trends Profiles for distinct LE roles (e.g., homicide investigators, crime analysts) Full O&M environment with service level monitoring
17 Increment 3 (Cont.) CJIS Services CJIS Enterprise SMC (metamanager) Users 200,000 Users Broaden to entire LE and CJ community (tactical, administrative, legal) Data Probation/Parole Data Additional attributes Leveraged Sources JABS Risk Reduction Prototypes Raytheon Usability prototype for user role profiles Raytheon Technology prototype for geocoding and role-based correlation algorithms
18 Major Activities, Milestones, and Reviews for Increment 1 System Test Readiness Review (STRR) (CONTROL GATE 5) Prototyping Requirements & Architecture Detailed Design Design Concept Review (DCR) Critical Design Review (CDR) Component Development, Test & Integration Production Test Readiness Review (PTRR) Deployment Readiness Review (DRR) (CONTROL GATE 4) Functional & Interface Testing Deploy to CJIS System Test Acceptance Test Acceptance Test Readiness Review (ATRR) Operational Readiness Review (ORR) Final Design Review (CONTROL GATE 3) Development and Test Implementation and Integration Operations and Maintenance Jul 26 Aug 29 Oct 4 Oct 26 Nov 13 Mar 15 May 8 May 30 Feb 2008 Operational Acceptance Review (OAR) (CONTROL GATE 6) Training, C&A, Deployment Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) May 2 Program Management Week 21 Week 26 Week 31 Week 34 Week 8 Week 4 Week 10 Week 13
19 Continued Role of N-DEx SMEs Raytheon usability prototype and wireframes On-line review and comments Participation over several months as Increment 1 evolves Participation will continue for Increment 2 & 3 Training/Audit Review CBT and Training Guides Review Audit Plan and Guide Participate in Testing Functional and Interface Testing Acceptance Testing Cost Modeling Participate in validation of Cost Modeling Study
20 Service Provider Conference Hosted by IIR and IJIS Institute Held on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Approximately 53 Service Provider (SP) organizations were represented Raytheon representatives provided sessions on the following: Program Development System Architecture Contributing data sources Sharing policy Agency Integration Agency Integration Toolkit Next steps for RMS service provider collaboration Provided comprehensive question and answer session to address all SP concerns and understand their role in deploying the N-DEx System
21 Questions SSA Tim Reid Unit Chief Deputy Program Manager (304) SSA Edward C. Waigand Data Standards Manager (304) Belinda Cumpston Liaison Specialist Debra Louk Liaison Specialist