Dr Kieran McCartan University of the West of England & Robina Visiting Scholar (Spring 2013)
Overview The societal context of Child Sexual Abuse and Paedophilia. A range of perspectives on attitudes to Child Sexual Abuse and Paedophilia. The taking a renewed approach to Child Sexual Abuse and Paedophilia. What Professional engagement can do to help community engagement.
Social construction and sex crime Given that – both offenders and victims are members of society, – that sexual offences and the responses are social constructions, – this means that the constructions and Conversations that are created around sexual violence are very important.
Media discourses and paedophilia/Child Sexual Abuse The media has contributed to the steady increase in the visibility of child sexual abuse in society. Although the media has discussed paedophilia more the Conversation they have and language they use is problematic: – paedophiles are generally described in a one dimensional, homogenous way; – describing paedophiles as evil, beyond rehabilitation & Advocating punishment; – Paedophiles and CSA are often discussed as being the same; – Media representations contribute to an unrealistic and inappropriate social construction.
Professional discourses and Child Sexual Abuse and Paedophilia Professionals tend to have no cohesive ‘voice’ – different definitions of paedophilia and CSA; – clinical classifications are of paedophilia not CSA; – legal definitions focus on the offence of CSA and not the offender; – policy maker definitions and understandings focus around public protection and risk management; – academic definitions are broader and more aligned to the policy maker approach, but this is varied depending on discipline and author.
Public discourses and Child Sexual Abuse and Paedophilia Research with the public, in general, indicates that the public... – concerned about CSA and Paedophilia; – understandings of sex offenders are mixed at best; – paedophiles are evil, dangerous and a constant threat; – treatment does not work and that a punitive response is best; – recognise that the paedophile who sexually offends has friends/family/peers which the public has conflicted feelings about; – recognise that convicted offenders will be returned to communities; – should be involved in sex offender management through partnership; – The public do not trust the state to take care of sex offenders appropriately.
However..... There are Multiple “Publics” their understandings and reactions to paedophilia/CSA are different; – some publics who are interested in, invested in understanding sexual offending – these engaged publics read the available literature, engage with the relevant media and get involved with the associated charities and NGO. – Meaning that any discussion of paedophilia/CSA depends upon the public that you are engaging with.
How to change public perceptions? Public criminology (?) (Loader & Sparks, 2010) Improving public understanding: – Increase public education – Improve research with the public – Increase dialogue between professionals and the public (Green, 2006)
Do we need to change current discourses? In the main most discourses surrounding sexual violence tend to be located in the victim-offender paradigm discussing the personal impact that the offence has. This gives the impression of isolated instances of sexual violence rather than a more systematic, embedded culture present in society. By stating that the victim and the offender are somehow unique it means that some sections of the public can disengage form the conversation. What can be done to educate and reformulate societal understandings of Paedophilia/CSA across a range of publics?
Public health, prevention and engagement Public Health is the means of improving the health of individuals, communities and society through a variety of means, focusing on; – Change people’s attitudes and beliefs towards an issue; – Increase physical and interpersonal skills; – Influence social norms; – Change structural factors; and – Influence the availability of and access to services.
Primary (prevention) By allowing parents, children and 3 rd parties to recognise the signs of abuse That systems already exist to address these concerns through improved formal/informal education. Stop it now! –
Secondary (responding to warnings) That paedophiles and/or (potential) child sexual offenders know that they can receive help to change their deviant cognitions and prevent their offending. Dunkelfeld – ure=youtu.be&rel=0 ure=youtu.be&rel=0 –
Tertiary (reintegration/releapse prevention) through broader in engagement with child sexual abuse reintegration; by demonstrating what is done with child sexual offenders post release by the state, charities and the public. MnCOSA ATSA State & criminal justice responses
Public health, prevention and engagement Public health campaigns, and therefore by default prevention messages, only gets through when the public thinks that it relates directly to them. Most CSA campaigns/messages focus on the negative impact of the abuse on one individual in a given situation by an individual offender. People may disengage from the message because; – they may struggle to engage with the story being told; – they are oversaturated with similar stories; or – they feel powerless/unwilling to help. If the message was more about process, structure and function then this might change the outcome, like with other crime related public health campaigns – Reduction of A&E admittance in Cardiff city centre
Public health & Child Sexual Abuse/Paedophilia? Sexual violence public health discourses in the main are primary prevention based focusing on education, engagement and awareness raising. However, this message does not always get effectively conveyed by the state and/or professionals to the public, especially in terms of what happens at secondary and tertiary levels, and when it does the public do not always process it appropriately.
Public health & Paedophilia/CSA The causes of paedophilia are individual in nature. Not all paedophiles offend and those that do offend (CSA) do not do so in the same way. Although, the majority of CSA/Paedophiles can receive treatment for their deviant sexuality not all will succeed in treatment, but the majority will return to society at some point. Consequentially as members of the public here is some advice – towards child protection and risk management (primary); – that you can give individuals that you think maybe in this situation (secondary); and – about what the state, and other organisations, does CSA/Paedophiles so that you can have a better understanding of how these populations are managed (tertiary).
Conclusion Societal understandings and discourses are fragmented. This fragmentation means that a realistic, coherent message is difficult to get across – however, we know this is the type of message that works between. Public understanding and engagement on issues relating to Paedophilia/Child Sexual Abuse is important. We need more coherent, informed societal debated and education – A public health approach. – But need media, policy, professional “buy in” and consistency.