PDSA Creative Brief Add the date of your brief here
Task and objectives Task: Objectives:
Background [Hint: Include any background information you feel will be relevant to your campaign]
New opportunity [Hint: Think about who your target market is. You need to be sure that they understand who PDSA are and what PDSA does. What is it that you want to communicate to your target market?]
New opportunity [Hint: this might include use of PDSA’s logo, contact details etc.]
Client: PDSAName of Job: Brand Legacy TVMedium: TV Proposition Our Objective Our Idea Target Our Insight Reaction Measurement 1.
Next Actions [Hint: what is next on your action plan?]
The essence of PDSA brand
Why does PDSA exist? [Hint: what is the purpose of PDSA?]
What does PDSA do?
What makes PDSA special?
What is our fundraising proposition?
In a sentence… [Hint: Sum up PDSA in one sentence]