1 Igniting a Passion for Learning The ISS Journey to Excellence Quality New Mexico June 9, 2011
2 ISS Background Fired superintendent Budget problems Low student achievement Low community expectations Low trust – community and staff Low morale Excellent staff
4 Passion for Learning All children come to school with a yearning for learning. Our aim should be to increase the positives and decrease the negatives so all children keep their yearning for learning. Edward Deming
5 BOE Beliefs – System vs. People If children are not learning at high levels, the adults have not done their part –Parents have not created a system of encouragement and support for learning –Teachers have teaching centered classrooms rather than learning centered classrooms –Principals have created adult centered schools rather than learning centered schools –Superintendents and school boards have created adult centered school systems rather than learning centered systems
6 School System Needed –Framework –Blueprint –Measure We Decided To Use – Baldrige National Quality Program Criteria – Why?
7 Systemic – Seven Components –Leadership –Strategic Planning –Student, Stakeholder, and Market Focus –Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management –Workforce Focus –Process Management –Results
8 Systematic – Two Components Processes –A approach – clearly defined steps –D deployment – to all levels –L learning – cycles of improvement –I integration – organizational knowledge Results –Lelevels of performance –C comparisons –T trends –I integration
9 I-SS Mission/ Vision District Strategic Plan School Improve- ment Plans PLC Goals and PDSA Classroom Goals and PDSA Student Level PDSA Alignment
10 Strategic Planning Process Conduct Environmental Scan and SWOT Analysis BOE reviews and approves District Strategic Goals and Objectives Develop SIPs and DIPS aligned to district Strategic Goals Feedback on SIPs and DIPs and revisions completed Approval of SIPs and DIPs Deployment of SIPs and DIPs Quarterly Review of SIPs and DIPs A mid year SWOT and Environmental Scan of Strategic Plan
11 I-SS Mission I-SS Vision High Student Performance Healthy, Safe, Orderly, and Caring Schools Quality Teachers, Administration, and Staff Strong Family, Community, and Business Support Effective and Efficient Operations Strategic Priorities
12 High Student Performance Adequate Yearly Progress Academic Growth Graduation Rate Strategic Priority Lagging Indicators
13 Adequate Yearly Progress Academic Growth Predictive Assessments K-2 Goal Summary End of Grade End of Course Results Summer School Results Kindergarten Readiness Teacher Attendance EVAAS Reports Lagging Indicator Leading Indicators
14 Effective and Efficient Operations Child Nutrition Self-sustaining Stakeholder Satisfaction with Maintenance Top Ten School District Strategic Priority Lagging Indicators
15 School and Department Improvement Plans –Revised Quarterly –3-5 Goals Aligned to District Goals –1 Approach/Strategy per Goal –Clear Approach, Deployment, Learning and Integration –Tied to Principal and CO Administrator Coaching and Evaluation
16 PDSA Monthly Updates –Strengths –OFI’s –Information or Data Needed –Next Steps and Resources Needed –District Level - Monthly report to Admin Team through oversight committee and notes sent to all schools –School Level – Monthly report to School Improvement Team
17 Student Wellness PDSA –By May 2009, 100% of PE teachers will use and record FitnessGram test correctly. Schools may support this goal by monitoring the use of FitnessGram in grades 5, 7, and 9 and making sure data are reported accurately and timely Behavioral Interventions PDSA –By 2009, I-SS will decrease the OSS rate by 5% by implementing PBS with fidelity. Schools may support this goal by monitoring OSS data. PBS schools continue to deploy PBS strategies. Non PBS schools may wish to consider the PBS model. Student Services will be willing to present PBS to any faculty upon request. Training is also available for bus drivers on the use of PBS strategies to reduce discipline referrals on buses.
18 PDSA Quarterly Tracking Chart
19 Child Nutrition Meals per Labor HourMeals Served Supplemental Sales Revenue Monthly Expense to Profit Report Lagging Indicator Leading Indicators
20 Vision
21 Process Focused on Right Target/Results
22 World’s Best School System The quality of a school system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. The only way to improve outcomes is to improve instruction. High performance requires every child to succeed. McKinsey Consulting Report
23 Schools and Teachers Impact Learning Students who enter with 50 th percentile performance School and Teacher Scenario Achievement Percentile after two years Average School and Average Teacher 50 th Least Effective School and Least Effective Teacher 3 rd Most Effective School and Least Effective Teacher 37 th Least Effective School and Most Effective Teacher 63 rd Most Effective School and Average Teacher 78 th Most Effective School and Most Effective Teacher 96 th Source: Marzano, Figure 8.3, What Works in Schools
24 Handout
25 Results from 2002 to 2008 Academic Composite 55 th to 9 th Graduation Rate 53 rd to 11 th (61% to 81%) SAT 57 th to 7 th (991 to 1056) 3-8 Reading 75 th to 20 th 3-8 Math 68 th to 12 th
26 Results from 2002 to 2008 Reading Gap AA reduced by 48% Reading Gap EC reduced by 53% Computer Skills 68% to 96% (2009) Dropout Rate 106 th to 10 th Attendance Rate 55 th to 3 rd Refer to ISS Turnaround Results
27 Handout
28 Other areas of improvement – bus discipline, energy savings, faith based partners, highly qualified teachers, overtime costs, child nutrition costs, maintenance, custodial, workmen’s compensation ratio, fund balance, credit recovery Expenditures per Pupil – remain in bottom 10 in NC - $700 below state average
29 Just DO IT
Your Current Challenge –SB 427 – school grades based on proficiency/growth and lowest quartile growth, high schools include grad rate, AP/IB, dual enrollment, SAT/ACT, D/F schools have consequences, resource impact –SB 327 – sunshine portal on expenditures –HB 113 and SB 446 – charter school accountability –HB 252 – procurement and travel guidelines – administrative cost 31
Activity –What are your top 3-5 goals in your strategic plan? How did you choose these specific goals? Are they SMART goals? –What specific strategy has been chosen to address the goal? Why did you choose this strategy? –What specific resources have you aligned to implementation of the strategy? –How will you know if strategy is being implemented with fidelity? How often will you monitor progress? 32