WHY GROUP THERAPY? Medications alone are not always effective in treatment and can cause unwanted side effects. Being around others with similar experiences and struggles can be beneficial in recovery.
TYPES OF GROUP THERAPY Cognitive Behavior Therapy Group Music Therapy Interpersonal Therapy Group Based Exposure Therapy
COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY Study based on 496 veterans from Australian Military force. Incorporated many techniques Psychoeducational Relaxation Distraction Techniques Education on: Survivor Guilt Addictive Behaviors, Medication Many patients who completed the study saw improvements in their quality of life.
GROUP MUSIC THERAPY Took a different approach to PTSD treatment Listening and playing of music\instruments Helpful things included: Meeting people Relaxation and Relief Not helpful: Too much noise Dependent upon the group Overall no controlled trials had been done to see if music could be truly effective. Patients did seem to be calmer and less agitated
INTERPERSONAL THERAPY(IPT) IPT had been tested because exposure therapy had remission rates far too high of 40-45%. 40 patients admitted IPT administered by 4 trained therapists to help: Reduce isolation Improve trust in others, increase ability to express affect. Symptoms dropped from a severe case to just a mild form.
GROUP BASED EXPOSURE THERAPY 92% of veteran patients had already been treated once and 37% had been treated 2 times before, none of which had been effective. Three key phases: didactic training/group building (stress management, trust building) exposure therapy ( Hours of listening to trauma presentations) grief/guilt and relapse prevention U.S. department of Veteran Affairs administered treatment as they would even if there was no ongoing study. 81% of patients who had valid scores saw decreases of at least 10 points on the CAPS test scores.
CHALLENGES AND QUESTIONS Are these forms effective on their own? Or are they better when medication is being used as well? Completion of the program is a challenge because many participants do not complete these programs.