International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke,


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Presentation transcript:

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR 1.Welcome and overview meeting -Short update status of FAIR project 2. Status DS Management - second Annual Report / result midterm review / contract ammendments - Distribution of 3. Prefinancing 3. Further extension of the duration of the contract and redistribution of funds 4. Preparation of third Annual Report - Activity Report - Financial Forms - Distribution of work / deadlines 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI

Status of negotiations / international contributions India: 3% (36M€) confirmed by declaration Romania: 1% (12M€) confirmed by declaration Poland: 2,5% (30M€) confirmed by Letter of Minister Finland: 5M€ confirmed by declaration United Kingdom: 15M€ confirmed by Letter Sweden: 1% (12M€) Russia: 5% (60M€)  potential for significant bigger contribution (120M€?) declaration signed at meeting Putin – Merkel, October 15 in Wiesbaden Italy: 40M€ for SIS300 sc dipol magnets Austria: 6M€ (in budget plan of Ministry) Spain: 2% (24€) confirmed by Letter of Minister Slovenia: 1% (12M€) confirmed by Letter of Minister China: at least 1% (12M€) anounced Greece ? France ? subtotal : 253 M€ Germany including State of Hessen : 690 M€ Total : 943 M€

FAIR Start Event – 7 Nov 2007

1400 international participants attended the FAIR Start Event and 500 international scientists participated in the symposium on the "Physics at FAIR" on November 8, 2007.

FAIR relatedFP6/7 EU contracts FAIR related FP6/7 EU contracts EU contractscopeCoordi-nating Institution/ Coordinator Total Bud- get [M€] EU financing total [M€] EU financing FAIR related [M€] FAIR related total* [M€] HadronPhysics, Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) R&D Dense Nucl. Mater, Hadron Physics, EM Probes INFN / C. Guaraldo > EURONS, I3 on Nuclear Structure R&D Exp. & Acc. Nuclear Structure GSI / Alex Müller, Orsay 3514,027 FAIR preparatory phase (FP7) "FAIR" funding personnel of FAIR JCT & of FAIR GmbH GSI later FAIR GmbH / J. Eschke 4,9 FAIR Design Study "DIRACsecondary-Beams" PANDA, HESR, NUSTAR, SIS100, NESR/CR GSI / J. Eschke 229,0 22 FAIR CNI (Construction of New Infrastructures) "DIRAC-PHASE-1" SIS18upgrade, HADESupgrade, R3B magnet GSI / J. Eschke 10010,4 100 CARE, I3 on Accel. R&DAcceleratorsCERN / ?> ,40,8 EUROTEV Design StudyTESLA / ILCDESY / E. Elsen >1890,1 Total:37,6

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR 1.Welcome and overview meeting -Short update status of FAIR project 2. Status DS Management - second Annual Report / result midterm review / contract ammendments - Distribution of 3. Prefinancing 3. Further extension of the duration of the contract and redistribution of funds 4. Preparation of third Annual Report - Activity Report - Financial Forms - Distribution of work / deadlines 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Status Design Study Management FAIR EU Management Team for Design Study & CNI contract: Helmut Bokemeyer, Jürgen Eschke, NN, NN

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Midterm Review (December 2006) passed with very good evaluation result second Annual Report has been accepted by EC Prefinancing: first prefinancing was ,00 € (80% of EC contribution of first 18 months) second prefinancing of ,00 € has been transferred in January 2007 third prefinancing of ,67 € has been transferred in December 2007 Status Design Study Management

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Prefinancing

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR first prefinancing: ,00 € (~44% of 9 M€) second prefinancing: ,00 € (~20% of 9 M€) third prefinancing: ,67 € (~22% of 9 M€) final payment: of up to ~ 14% of 9 M€ Prefinancing / payments How do we achieve to spend 9 M€ EC contribution ?  Estimate of each institution and taskleader on expenditures until the end of duration of the contract required!

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR contract amendments: 2nd Contract amendment A request for Addition of one special clause 39 to Article 9 of the contract No project "DIRACsecondary-Beams" has been submitted to the EC. 3rd Contract amendment Task16: COOLSB2 - Ramped super-ferric dipole magnet for NESR: stopped Task7: NUSTAR2 - Radiation-resistant large-aperture superferric dipole magnet: normal conducting magnet prototype instead of the additional costs of approximately €. Task22: SIS100_6 - Fast ramped superconducting magnets full length magnets for dipole and quadrupole of the SIS 100 to be carried out by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR, Dubna. A detailed workplan has been submitted to the EC. A transfer of EU funds of € from GSI to JINR is agreed with the EC. Duration of the contract: prolongation of 8 months (end ) accepted. Corresponding redistribution of funds. Status Design Study Management

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Annual Report A. an activity report including: - a progress report, - the list of deliverables, - a report on the use and dissemination of knowledge. B. a management report (financial information) including: - a justification of the resources deployed, - the Form C Financial Statements (which may require an Audit certificate if provided for under Article 7.2 of the contract), - a summary financial report. C. a report on the distribution of the Community financial contribution.

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR summary status FAIR project  FAIR EU management team summary for each "design project"  Design Project Leader plus corresponding member of the steering committee A. ACTIVITY REPORT

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR  FAIR EU management team 1.4 Update of the non-confidential Project information (for EU Database)  FAIR EU management team

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR 1.3 Other specific activities (Design Study/Construction activities) [This section covers all the aspects of the Design Study/Construction activities (other than the Consortium Management activities) as defined in Annex I – Description of Work to the contract. A separate section should be given for each task]  taskleader of this task [Title of the first Task] [Give, using the table below, a list of all contractors participating in this Task during the reporting period and the total human effort deployed.]

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR [Describe the progress made during the reporting period toward the objectives of the Task and toward the milestones and deliverables foreseen, specifying the contribution of the involved contractors. The contribution of each contractor should be given with sufficient details to allow, in an unambiguous way, to justify the costs declared in part B “management report” of this annual report. Describe any significant achievements, and their impact, resulting from this Task during the reporting period. Clearly highlight and justify any major deviations from the work planned in the contract. Indicate the recommended actions to correct such deviations.] [List in the table below all milestones and deliverables defined in the contract that have been achieved during the reporting period.]

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR [List in the table below the major meetings and workshops organised under this activity during the reporting period]

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR 2. List of deliverables 3. Use and dissemination of knowledge  taskleader of each task [This section should start on a new page.] · [Describe all the actions undertaken during the reporting period to disseminate, promote and exploit the knowledge derived from the project. For each action indicate the Weblink, if any. Areas to be covered may include: - publications resulting from the project; - patentable results, including a list of patents applied for; - conference presentations resulting from the project; - Web-based activities;  FAIR EU management team

B. MANAGEMENT REPORT (FINANCIAL INFORMATION) 1. Justification of the resources deployed [Provide, for each contractor, the table “Justification of resources deployed during the reporting period”( Appendix 1)]  each participating contractor 2. Forms C - Financial Statements [This section should start on a new page.] [Provide, for each contractor, the Form C - Financial Statements (look at Audit certificates must be submitted with the Forms C if required for this period in Article 7.2 of the contract7.]  each participating contractor 3. Summary financial report [This section should start on a new page.] [Provide a Summary financial report (look at consolidating the costs claimed by each contractor for the reporting period]  FAIR EU management team

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR C. REPORT ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE COMMUNITY FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION [Provide the Report on the distribution between contractors made during the reporting period of the Community financial contribution (look at  FAIR EU management team

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Deadlines: Activity Report: 20. February 2008  taskleader of this task MANAGEMENT REPORT (FINANCIAL INFORMATION): 20. February 2007  each participating contractor (Justification of the resources deployed and Form C)

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Management Structure Design Study "DIRACsecondary-Beams" EC Design Study Coordinator Management Office Steering Committee (Design Study Coordinator, FAIR Project Leader, GSI Director, Representatives of the 5 Design Projects) Design Project PANDA 1 Coordinator / 4 Task Leaders / 16 Participating Institutes Design Project NUSTAR 1 Coordinator / 5 Task Leaders / 10 Participating Institutes Design Project HESR 1 Coordinator / 4 Task Leaders / 3 Participating Institutes Design Project COOLSB 1 Coordinator / 2 Task Leaders / 2 Participating Institutes Design Project SIS100 1 Coordinator / 6 Task Leaders / 12 Participating Institutes Governing Board (representatives of 33 Institutes/Institutions) Advisory Boards  existing PACs and TAC of FAIR project Design Study Technical Group ( Design Study Coordinator, 5 Design Project Coordinators and 21 Task Leaders )

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Steering Committee Tasks of the Steering Committee The Steering Committee assists the Design Study Coordinator and is responsible for the operation of the whole Project as a homogenous body.... The Steering Committee’s tasks are: Review of resource status and Project progress Preparation on major changes in the implementation plan including re-distribution of the budget, to be approved by the Governing Board Monitoring of scientific and technical progress (improve quality of reports) Composition of the Steering Committee The Steering Committee is composed of: -The Design Study Coordinator as the Chairperson -The FAIR Project Leader -The GSI Director -One representative of each of the five Design Projects J. Eschke (Chair), H. Gutbrod, W. Henning, PANDA (Paola Gianotti, Frascati), NUSTAR (R. Krücken, München), HESR (R. Maier, FZJ), COOLSB (B. Franzke, GSI), SIS100 (D. Krämer, GSI) Design Project Leader: 1. PANDA: James Ritman (FZJ) 2. NUSTAR: Martin Winkler (GSI) 3. HESR: Raimund Tölle (FZJ) 4. COOLSB: Markus Steck (GSI) 5. SIS100: Peter Spiller (GSI)

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Design Project Leader: 1. PANDA: James Ritman (FZJ) 2. NUSTAR: Martin Winkler (GSI) 3. HESR: Raimund Tölle (FZJ) 4. COOLSB: Markus Steck (GSI) 5. SIS100: Peter Spiller (GSI)

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Financial forms: "Form C-Model of Financial Statement per Activity" Please insert all relevant information in the yellow highlighted fields Informations how to complete the form are given in the "Guide to Financial Issues" page 89 ff. and the reporting Guide (already sent to you via also to forward it to your financial contact person)

International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt FAIR EU Design Study 3rd Annual Report meeting January 29, 2008 J. Eschke, GSI DIRAC secondary beams – EU Design Study for FAIR Financial Form: "Justification of resources deployed during reporting period" Use your own cost categories due to your accounting department –AC cost modell: 1.Total direct eligible costs + 20% indirect costs = Total costs => must refer to request of FP6 Financial contribution given in Form C (Section 5) (Footnote 2) 2.Total effort in person months: be aware of footnote 1! 3.Global estimate of the total costs for AC contractors: => must refer to progress report and Annex I regarding own contribution (advice:in case of an audit timesheets are helpful!) –FC/FCF cost modell: 1.Total direct eligible costs + 20% indirect costs = Total costs => must refer to request of FP6 Financial contribution given in Form C (Section 5) (Footnote 2)