Programme Management Richard Trengrouse, South Birmingham College
Administrative Process Objectives: Simple and easy to use Minimise risk Get payments to you in a timely manner
This morning will look at… Pre Appointment Process In Work Process Monitoring and Evaluation Draft Paperwork
Aims of Future Jobs Fund To provide 6 months meaningful work experience in a job of ‘community benefit’ for the eligible groups To aid them in their search for future employment To provide job search and employment skills during their 6 month contract
Aims continued To provide each person who successfully completes with: - reference - record of achievement They are employees – NOT Trainees
Service Level Agreement/Conditions of Grant Aid Standard City Council SLA/Conditions of Grant Aid Specific FJF conditions: Part A – General conditions; Payment/audit Part B – Salaries/wages & running costs; appointment of employee; relationship with JCP/City Council and monitoring
SLA/COGA continued FJF conditions cascade from the relevant clauses in the DWP contract with City Council Your application will form an appendix to the SLA/COGA Complete State Aid Form Complete and return Authorised Signature Form/Monthly payroll dates
Payment process Aim to minimise risk and avoid having to claim money back from you: Salary, NI, Supervision and recurring costs will be paid at an hourly rate drawn from your proposal Other costs (training, protective clothes, tools, etc.) claimed against invoices or other auditable evidence
Payment Process: Continued Larger items of equipment purchased need to be agreed with Be Birmingham If you need advance payment for uniforms, tools, CRB checks etc-then please contact your Be Birmingham Rep
First Day of Work To release first payment: Complete data capture form (FJF 01) Complete employee timetable (FJF 02) Evidence of eligibility from JCP* Fax above forms to Be Birmingham to release payment Put hard copy in the post to Be Birmingham Payment for all starters will be in your account 3 days before your payroll date
Monthly Return To be provided against schedule of payment (based on your payroll dates) Monthly return includes: Timesheets (FJF 03) Claim sheet for other costs (FJF 04) Summary Sheet (FJF 05) Please note that a monthly payroll extract is required
Monthly return continued Reconciliation at the end of first month to take account of any overpayment Final reconciliation at the end of 6 months or when the employee leaves the job, if earlier
Monitoring Initial Health and Safety Visit Spot Checks: -meet with employer -meet with employee Finance Checks - FJF Project File (Check List) - Employee Files
What else will we want? End of Employment – Destination Form for each FJF employee (FJF 06) Copy of Record of Achievement Copy of Reference Evaluation Form