Property Transfers – Winten2+ Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Trainer: Mark Huffer Connect to Audio: Dial Enter Participant Code # Please mute your phones before the webinar begins to ensure there are no interruptions. DO NOT place your phone on hold during the training.
An owner has sold their property, what do I do? Attend this TenMastery and learn the process for handling property transfers within Winten2+. Look at the flow between the Certification, the RFTA, the HAP Contract and the HAP Account when a tenant transfers units. Update the units with the new information Add new landlord/owner record on the unit Add a new rent record (if necessary) Start the Certifications for the tenants in the Units Complete the Certification Review the HAP Contracts Terminate the HAP Contract for the old Landlord/Owner Execute the HAP Contract for the new Landlord/Owner This creates the new HAP Account for the new Landlord/Owner
Mark Huffer Phone: x Connect to Audio Dial Enter Participant Code #
*Recorded versions are added to our website hours after the training. Sep 10 – Section 8 Reports in 2+ Tired of struggling through searching for reports requested by management? Never finding the exact report you need? Attend this TenMastery to become a reporting expert for your Section 8 department. Sep 17 – General Ledger Fiscal Period/Year Closing Closing a Fiscal Period or Year can be a real hassle. Attend this TenMastery and see how much easier the General Ledger program makes this task. Sep 24 – TAR Monthly Processes Do you have trouble generating rent? Needing to charge late fees and don’t know where to go? Attend this TenMastery to learn how to perform those and other Monthly Processes within Tenant Accounts Receivable.