This presentation is licensed for use on a single computer and is non-transferable. This presentation works best with Microsoft PowerPoint The teaching guide for this presentation is in a separate PDF file. ADULT SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON IN POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Teach With Power Ministry
T H E B O O K O F NUMBERS Adult Sabbath School Lesson PowerPoint Presentation October 24, 2009 ADAPT Teaching Approach ADVENTISTART.ORG TRUMPETS, BLOOD CLOUD, AND FIRE
Memory Verse “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” I CORINTHIANS 5:7
GOD’S GUIDANCE STEPS WE NEED TO MAKE Recognize the presence of God in our lives Follow the leadings of the Spirit
Presence of God To observe the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper as frequent as we can do A. How are the followers of Jesus to commemorate the Passover today? Luke 22:15, 19, 20
Presence of God QUOTATION “The ordinance of the Lord’s supper was given to commemorate the great deliverance wrought out as the result of the death of Christ... It is the means by which His great work for us is to be kept fresh in our minds.”— EGW, The Desire of Ages, pp. 652, 653.
Presence of God The cloud and the fire was a reminder of God’s abiding presence What promises in the Bible of God’s willingness to lead us and to be present among us even today? B. How did this manifestation of God’s presence reveal to them God’s will? Numbers 9:15-23
Presence of God Both by sight and by sound, they were given special reminders of God’s guidance Today, we have the New Testament revelation of God through Jesus C. What was the purpose of the blowing of these trumpets? Num. 10:1-10
The Leading of the Spirit Moses didn’t consult God before he tried to persuade Hobab to accompany Israel Human support and advice play a role in helping us to meet and overcome adversity A. What request did Moses make of Hobab, Jethro’s son? Num. 10:29-32
The Leading of the Spirit God’s leading sometimes seems hard to us How do you sense when God is asking you to change direction? B. What’s the one thing that stands out regarding the manner in which the Israelites move on their journey towards the promise land? Num. 10:11-36
SUMMARY WE CAN EXPERIENCE GOD’S GUIDANCE By recognizing the presence of God in our lives By following the leadings of the Spirit
APPLY How can this lesson about the God’s guidance affect my life today? Do I have the desire to recognize the presence of God in my life? Do I have the desire to follow the leadings of the Spirit? Q
PLAN How can I use this lesson about God’s guidance this coming week? What are the practical ways I can do to trust God’s guidance? Q
TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? What biblical principle from the lesson can we use today? Q
TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? I need to trust God’s guidance in my life I trust my own plan 1. By surrendering all my plans to God 2. By following the dictate of the Holy Spirit This coming week, I will submit all my plans to God everyday PRINCIPLEAPPLICATIONPROBLEMDECISION Let’s make the decision! Q
ASSOCIATE truth – Why should I study this lesson? DISCOVER truth – What does the Bible say about this truth? APPLY truth – How can this truth affect my life today ? PLAN using the truth – How can I use this truth today? TRANSFER truth to life – What changes do I need in my life? ADAPT it! Teaching Approach Teach With Power Ministry Effective for SMALL GROUPS