The Apostles’ Creed THE FIRST ARTICLE Catechism pp
I Believe Can anyone else sleep, eat, learn for you? Certainly not! Why do we, as Christians, say “I believe...”? Your faith must be in your heart.
The Unique Dimensions of a Box HEIGHTHEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH Three Distinct Dimensions Not confused Unique Identity Unity of Purpose Single Space
The Father Almighty Why is the order important? We come to know the indisputable love of a perfect Father... Who uses His power to save rather than destroy. An Almighty Father would intimidate by His power, making it difficult to recognize His love.
The Maker of Heaven and Earth By the word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; He puts the deep into storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world revere Him. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm. Psalm 33:6-9
The Apostles’ Creed THE SECOND ARTICLE Catechism pp
Person of Jesus TRUE MAN Called Man Human Body & Soul Human Actions TRUE GOD Divine Names Divine Attributes Works of God United in One Person by the VIRGIN BIRTH So He Could Be Under the Law Die in Our Place Keep the Law Perfectly Redeem All People Our Savior
The Work of Jesus Redemption Reconciliation Justification Purchased for God Made Friends Again with God Acquitted; Declared Innocent, Holy, Perfect for Jesus’ Sake 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Titus 2:14 At-one-ment
JUSTIFICATION God as Judge Demands Jesus as Defender Pleads Punishment Blood Death Punished Bled for them Died for them Arrogant Unbelief Death Humble Faith Life
The Steps of Jesus’ : The Steps of Jesus’ Humiliation: Conceived Born Suffered Crucified Died Buried
The Steps of Jesus’ Exaltation Descended into Hell Resurrection Ascension Seated at God’s Right Hand Coming Again to Judge
Jesus will Return!
The Christian Responds That I Might Live RighteousnessInnocenceBlessedness Covered by His Holiness Hate Sin Do His Will Cheerfully, Gladly Doing His Will Imperfectly NowPerfectly in Heaven
The Apostles’ Creed THE THIRD ARTICLE Catechism pp
What is My Natural, Spiritual Condition? Ephesians 2:1Dead in trespasses and sins. 1 Peter 2:25Like sheep going astray. (lost) Acts 26:17-18In the dark, needing eyes to be opened. (blind) Psalm 82:5Knowing, understanding nothing. Romans 8:6-7The sinful mind is hostile to God.
SANCTIFICATION CALLEDCALLED By the Gospel In the WordIn the Sacraments The Means of Grace Out of the Unbelieving World To be Holy by Faith in Jesus
CHRIST’S REDEMPTION Becomes Mine Through FAITH Impossible by the Sinful Nature Possible Only by the Work of the Holy Spirit Through the Gospel Dead in SinEnemy of God
SANCTIFIED TO DO GOOD WORKS Ephesians 2:10 We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. Philippians 2:13 It is God who works in you to will and to do His good purpose. What Makes a Good Work a Good Work?
We can be the Church, under the guidance and blessing of the Holy Spirit, when we work together, using the gifts God has given us to build up one another in worship and service to God. How will you be the Church?