©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, Inappropriate Use of Technology in the Workplace Sample comprised of 398 randomly selected HR professionals. Analyzing 398 responses of 2,869 s sent, 2,645 s were received (response rate = 15%). Survey fielded June 6 – June 13, 2007; presentation generated on June 15, Margin of error is +/- 5%.
©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, Within The Past 12 months, Has Your Organization Disciplined and/or Fired Employees For Any of The Following Actions? n = 398 Note: Percentages do not total 100% as multiple response options were allowed.
©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, Within The Past 12 months, Has Your Organization Disciplined and/or Fired Employees For Any of The Following Actions? Yes, disciplinedYes, firedNo Non work related Internet use 27%30%11%20%67%54% Downloading music/videos from the Internet 13%11%4% 82%83% Sending personal s12%18%2%5%86%76% Non work related Instant messaging 10%11%2%1%86%85% Blogging (Web logs - personal journals available on the Web) 9%3%4%0%87%94% Note: Data sorted in descending order by the “2007 Yes, disciplined” column. Percentages do not total 100% as multiple response options were allowed.
©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, How Does Your Organization Use The Internet to Gather Information on Potential Job Candidates Before Hiring? n = 205 Note: Excludes respondents whose organizations do not use the internet to gather information on job candidates or outsourced this function. Percentages do not total 100% as multiple response options were allowed. *Other: Outsourcing organization perform check based on the FCRA (Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act), education, criminal records, addresses, etc.
©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, How Does Your Organization Use The Internet to Gather Information on Potential Job Candidates Before Hiring? We perform Internet assisted background checks on job candidates 60%46% We perform general Internet searches on job candidates 48%39% We read job candidates’ blogs or Web logs (personal journals available on the Web) 9%5% Other3%10% Note: Data sorted in descending order by the “2007” column data were recalculated to exclude respondents whose organizations did not use the internet to gather information on job candidates or outsourced this function. Percentages do not total 100% as multiple response options were allowed.
©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, Other Ways Organization Use The Internet to Gather Information on Potential Job Candidates Before Hiring Search applicant databases Circuit Court Records Verify License Confirm License of Health Care Professionals
©SHRM 2007SHRM Weekly Online Survey: June 6, How Does The Outsourcing Organization Use The Internet to Gather Information on Potential Job Candidates Before Hiring? They perform Internet assisted background checks on job candidates 54%87% They read job candidates’ blogs or Web logs (personal journals available on the Web) 37%7% They perform general Internet searches on job candidates 4%7% Other1%0% Note: Data sorted in descending order by the “2007” column data were recalculated to exclude respondents who did not know or whose outsourcing organizations did not use the internet to gather information on job candidates. Percentages do not total 100% as multiple response options were allowed.