Dec. 11 th - Hitler declared war on the U.S. December 19 th - Hitler takes complete control of the German Army.


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Presentation transcript:

Dec. 11 th - Hitler declared war on the U.S. December 19 th - Hitler takes complete control of the German Army.

January 1 st -Declaration of the United Nations signed by 26 Allied nations. January 13 th - Germans began a U-boat offensive along the east coast of USA. January 26 th - The first American forces arrive in Great Britain. August 17 th - First all-American air attack in Europe. October 23 rd - First major attack on axis powers, U.S. and Britain attack Germany’s Africa Korps. November 8 th - Operation Torch begins (U.S. invasion of North Africa)

January Casablanca conference between Churchill and Roosevelt. January 27 th -First bombing raid by Americans on Germany. August 17 th - American daylight air raids on Regensburg and Schweinfurt in Germany. September 8 th - Italy surrenders to allied powers. September 28 th - The allied powers captured Germans in Naples.

June 4 th - Rome falls to the allied powers. June 6 th - D-day starts the largest naval invasion in history. Allies use 4600 ships to invade German-held France. September 13 th - U.S. troops reach the Siegfried Line in western Germany.

January 16 th - U.S. 1 st and 3 rd Armies link up after a month long separation during the Battle of the Bulge. May 7 th - World War II ends.