John 17 17:1-5 17: :20-26
Observations Emphases on: ‘one’; glory; love Association of Father, Son, disciples I … pray; I desire Ίνα = ‘that’ ‘that You sent Me’
I. Jesus Prays For Those Who Will Believe In Him A.Jesus not praying only for … 20a B.Jesus praying for those who will believe 20b C.Jesus prayed for unity 21-23
II. Jesus’ Desire For All Those Who Believe In Him A.Jesus expresses His desire 24a B.Jesus desire is … 24b C.Summary of Jesus’ Prayer 25,26
Glimpses From John 17:20-26 Jesus prayed for me. Jesus prayed that I would share the word of God so that people will be brought to faith in Jesus. Jesus prayed for Christian unity as a witness to the world. Jesus prayed that I would show His glory to the world i.e. His grace and His truth. Jesus prayed that I would know the extent of God’s love for me. Jesus wants me to be with Him and see Him in glory.