Manajemen Operasi Layout Akhir Matua Harahap
Layout Layout: (related to) –Capacity –Process –Flexiblity and cost –Quality of work life –Customer contact –Image
……..Objective The objective of layout strategy is to develop an economic (a cost-effective) layout that meets the firm’s competitive needs. –Strategy: differentiation, low cost and response –Long-run efficiency of operation
……..Design Layout design: (combination of science and art) –Higher utilization of space, equipment, and people –Improve flow of information, materials, or people –Improve employee morale and safer working conditions –Improve customer/client interaction –Flexibility (whatever the layout is now, it will need to change)
……..Dynamic Dynamic layout: (short-life cycle, mass- customzed world) –Small –Movables –Flexible equipment –Case: Store display
……..Types Types of layout: –Office layout –Retail layout –Warehouse layout –Fixed-position layout –Process-oriented layout –Work-cell layout –Product-oriented layout
……..Good A good layout requires determining the following: –Material handling equipment –Capacity and space requirements –Environment and aesthetics –Flows of information –Cost of moving between various work areas
……..Strategy (1) Layout strategy Types of layoutObjectiveProblems/issuesExamples Office layout Positions workers, their equipment, space/offices to provide for movement of information (max. information flows) Locate workers requiring frequent contact close to one another Microsoft corp Retail layout Allocates shelf space and responds to customer behavior (product exposure) Expose customer to high-margin items Supermarket
……..Strategy (2) Layout strategy Warehouse layout (storage) Addresses trade-offs between space and material handling (optim. storage space & material handling cost) Balance low- cost storage with low-cost material handling Fixed-position layout (Project) Addresses the leyout requirements of large, bulky projects such as ships and buildings (minimize material handling cost and limited space) Moved material to the limited storage aeras around the site
……..Strategy (3) Layout strategy Process-oriented layout (job shop) Deals with low-volume, high-variety production (minimize travel distances time) Manage varied material flow for each product Hospital Cafe Work-cell layout (product family) Arranges machinery and equipment to focus on production of a single product or group of related product (reduce material travel) Identify a product family, build teams, cross train team members Product-oriented layout (Repetitive/ contnuous) Seeks the best personnel and machine utilization in repetitive or continuous production (reducing waste) Equalize the task time at each workstation Sony’s TV assembly line