An introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage
Communication and Language - Listening and attention - Understanding - Speaking
Physical development - Moving and handling - Health and self care
Personal, Social and Emotional development - Self-confidence and self-awareness - Managing feelings and behaviour - Making relationships
Literacy -Reading -Writing
Mathematics - Numbers - Shape, space and measures
Understanding the world - People and communities - The World - Technology
Expressive arts and design - Exploring and using media and materials - Being imaginative
“For children whose home language is not English, providers must take reasonable steps to provide opportunities for children to develop and use their home language in play and learning, supporting their language development at home. Providers must also ensure that children have sufficient opportunities to learn and reach a good standard in English language during the EYFS.” ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ 2012 Department for Education Learning English as an Additional Language
Parents are important The home learning environment has the biggest single effect on children's progress, larger than social/economic status quality of early years education, or any other single factor.
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