Eight Parts of Speech NounsAdverb PronounsConjunction VerbPreposition AdjectiveInterjection
ADJECTIVES An ADJECTIVE is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. Modifiers limit or change the meanings of other words.
ADJECTIVES Adjectives answer one of the following questions: Which one? What kind? How many? How much?
ADJECTIVES Adjectives usually appear before the noun or pronoun that they modify but can be in other positions as well. Example: She is clever. The sky, which had been clear all day, became cloudy.
ADJECTIVES The most common adjectives are called ARTICLES. Articles are: A: Indefinite article, refers to one of a general group An: Indefinite article The: Definite article, refers to a specific person, place or thing
ADJECTIVES An adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies the subject of the sentence is called the predicate adjective. Unlike most adjectives, predicate adjectives are separated from the words they modify.
VERBS A VERB expresses action, condition or state of being. Action Verbs: tell that something is happening, has happened, or will happen. May describe physical or mental or unseen action. Physical: run, jump, shout, sing. Unseen/Mental: review, ponder, trust, evaluate
VERBS TRANSITIVE VERBS Verbs that have direct objects They express action toward a person or thing named in the sentence. Direct objects answer who? or what? after an action verb.
VERBS Example of transitive verb They extended the ladder to the second floor. What did they extend? Ladder (d.o.) She trusts her friend. Whom does she trust? Friend (d.o.)
VERBS INTRANSITIVE VERBS Verbs that do not have direct objects Often used when the emphasis is on the action rather than on the person or thing affected by it.
VERBS Example of intransitive verb We met in the park. 1. Identify the verb. 2. Is it action or linking? LINKING VERBS ARE ALWAYS INTRANSITIVE 3. Is there a direct object? Emphasis in this sent. is on “met.”
VERBS Comparing transitive and intransitive Ella swam the channel. (transitive) Ella swam for many hours. (intransitive) Where is emphasis in each sentence?
VERBS Comparing transitive and intransitive Mrs. Williams weeds the garden every day. Mrs. Williams weeds every day.
VERBS Linking verbs: sometimes called state-of-being verbs, link the subject with the predicate. To be a linking verb, the verb must be followed by a noun, pronoun or adjective that refers to the subject “Link” between two words
VERBS COMMON LINKING VERBS be (am, is, are, was, were, been, being)—this is most common l.v. becomesmellgrow looktasteappear feelseemsound remainsymbolize *In your papers, replace with stronger verb
VERBS Helping Verbs Helping verbs=auxiliary verbs The main verb and one or more helping verbs make up the verb phrase. Helping Verb(s) + Main Verb = Verb Phrase am+laughing= am laughing
VERBS COMMON HELPING VERBS Be: is, am, are, was,were, be been, being Have: has, have, had Do: do, does, did can, will, shall, may, must, could, would, should, might