By Dave Pelzer Recommended by Cesar Torres , Evans Ortega The Lost Boy By Dave Pelzer Recommended by Cesar Torres , Evans Ortega
Who is the main character? Name: David Age:12 years old. Talents, Skills, Important Traits: He will do anything to get people to like him. Three Descriptive Adjectives: Tempestuous, Vacuous, Jejune. “Quote from the book” “I have no home. I am a member of no one’s family.” (Stratton 5)
Who is a supporting character? Name: David’s Mother (Roerva) Age: Not listed. Talents, Skills, Important Traits: Three Descriptive Adjectives: Irony, usurp, supercilious. “Quote from the book” “Get out of my house! I don’t like you! I don’t want you! I NEVER loved you! Get the hell out of my house!” (Stratton 9 ).
What is the story about? Setting (Time, Place, Environment, Etc.): Winter 1970, Daly City, California. Main Conflict: David is a prisoner of his mother who he attempts to escape from by Foster Care, but his mother is trying to put him away for “good”.
What is one of the major themes? Definition of Theme: trial to see where David will end up “Cited Quote” You Sir! “I want to live with you! Im sorry! I didn’t mean to tell! I didn’t mean to cause any trouble: (Stratton 72 ). “Cited Quote” So be it, it is the recommendation of this court that the minor, David James Pelzer, shall become a ward of the court and remain so until his 18th birthday. (Stratton 72).
What is one important scene? Describe exciting/powerful/important event /scene I told myself that in order to survive, I had to become so hard so that I would never allow anyone to hurt me again. Explain why you selected this scene to describe/why is it important in the story? Its important because David its going to try to not let anyone hurt him ever again.
Visual Image from an important scene “Cited Quote” I have no home. I am a member if no one’s family. (Stratton pg.5) Explain why this scene is important: He feels alone because no one loves him.
What connections can you make to this book? Compare to another book or to a current media/local/world situation: Explain: Some kids in real life get abused because their parents don’t care about them
Why should you read this book? Reason: Its really interesting Reason: It connects to real life as some kids do get abused like this too. Reason: its about isolation and fear