Advanced Drift Diffusion Device Simulator for 6H and 4H-SiC MOSFETs
MOSFET Device Simulation MOSFET Device Structure Semiconductor Equations Poisson Equation: Electron current continuity equation: Hole current continuity equation: Electron current equation: Hole current equation:
Mobility Models Low field mobility: High field mobility: Oxide Bulk Electron Flow Electron Surface Phonon Surface Roughness Trap Fixed Charge Matthiessen's rule mLF = Low Field Mobility mB = Bulk Mobility mSP = Surface Phonon Mobility mSR = Surface Roughness mobility mC = Coulomb Scattering Mobility Low field mobility: High field mobility: High Field Mobility:
Screened Coulomb Scattering Mobility Screened Coulomb Potential: Fermi’s Golden Rule: 2D Matrix Element: Scattering Rate: Screened Coulomb Scattering Mobility:
ID-VGS at Room Temperature Circles : Simulated Points Line: Experimental data
Occupied interface trap density Negatively charged interface traps: Dit = Interface traps density of states f(E) is the probability density function.
Interface Trap Density of States Neutrality Point Figure . Interface trap density of states for 4H-SiC: Constant distribution in midgap and an exponential rise near the band edges.
Mobility Variation with Depth VGS = 14V. Lots of Screening. Coulomb Mobility effect only very close to interface. Surface Roughness mobility dominates VGS = 2V. Less Screening. Coulomb Mobility dominates
Current Density Variation with Depth Peak of the current density is some distance away from the interface
Nit – VGS and Ninv – VGS at RmT Fixed Oxide Charge Density ~ 1.45e12 cm-2
Screened Coulomb Scattering Mobility Coulomb scattering decreases rapidly with increase in depth inside the semiconductor Oxide charges located away from the interface have less effect on Coulomb scattering Screening is directly proportional to the inversion layer charge density Scattering rate is inversely proportional to electron temperature (energy) Scattering rate is directly proportional to the density of oxide charges and occupied interface traps
Future Work Implement oxide charging - interface trap charging model in simulator Implement a robust surface roughness mobility model High temperature high power simulations Modeling of different Power MOSFET structures