GSICS User Registration and Messaging System Aleksandar Jelenak GDWG Chair Lori Brown GCC Webmaster Robert Iacovazzi GCC 10 th Session of the GSICS Executive Panel, June 2011, GenevaSlide 1
Background Information Action EP9.3: GDWG to implement a systematic request for user contact information on the GSICS web sites. (June 2011) Action GDWG05_51: Implement voluntary GSICS user registration system on the GCC website. 10 th Session of the GSICS Executive Panel, June 2011, GenevaSlide 2
What We Propose Professional marketing service from Price: The Forever Free Plan. Up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 s per month. Signup form included 14 forms and templates for the entire life cycle of subscriber management Templates for easier design Usage tracking 10 th Session of the GSICS Executive Panel, June 2011, GenevaSlide 3
The Signup Form Collected user information: first & last name, address, employer, and country. Everyone who signs up will receive the Quarterly Newsletter Selecting from the options provides subscribers with the choice what kind of additional messages they want to receive 10 th Session of the GSICS Executive Panel, June 2011, GenevaSlide 4
What’s Next Finalize the content of the signup form – extremely important to get this right from the start Determine what are the most common types of s and create templates for them Have everything ready for the users’ workshop in September 10 th Session of the GSICS Executive Panel, June 2011, GenevaSlide 5