Demonstration of an effective presentation Example: Why is this an effective presentation? Structure What makes it easy to follow? Intro? Body? Conclusion? Delivery
Enthusiasm Control Rapport with audience Natural language (spoken, signposting / signalling) Visual support Body language (eye contact, loudness, natural, relaxed behavior, polite behavior) HW: Watch the whole ComCoach Video Tutorial on presentation delivery and do the tasks.
Delivery: Enthusiasm Control Rapport with audience Natural language (spoken, signposting / signalling) Visual support Body language (eye contact, loudness, natural, relaxed behavior, polite behavior)
Short words Short sentences Repetition Synonyms Redundancy Signalling/Signposting Long words Complex sentences Coherence Condensed language Paragraphs (topics)
Spoken vs. Written Language Short words Short sentences Repetition Synonyms Redundancy Signalling/Signposting Long words Complex sentences Coherence Condensed language Paragraphs (topics)
Spoken vs. Written Language Short words Short sentences Repetition Synonyms Redundancy Signalling/Signposting → RB, p 83 Long words Complex sentences Coherence Condensed language Paragraphs (topics)
Signpost - Tell your audience where they are! 1 Explain the structure 2 Signal the start of each part: Let me begin with... This brings me to... 3 Recap and move on: Having established the facts we can move on to.. 4 Clarify and rephrase: In other words... Let me expand on that... 5 Conclude → RB, p 83 Study the useful phrases on pp Team work: phrases to transfer from member to member
E.g.: This is all I have to say. That’s all from me. Which brings me to the end of my part. I give the floor to my colleague... Here is my colleague X who will tell you about... I believe X will have more to say about... X, would you, please, take over from here... Thank you, Y, I enjoyed the intro you made. Thanks. My friend Y told you about..., and I will...
→ Exercise I, RB p 86
HW : Watch the whole ComCoach Video Tutorial on presentation delivery and do the tasks (read the explanations). Exercise II, RB p 87 Optional (for extra credit): write a short talk (100 words: intro, body, conclusion + phrases from pp 84-85) on one of the following topics: a football / hockey / basketball... match your hobby (dancing, chess, volunteering...) why you are studying economics/business use the prompts on p 88 if you like