Sports Photography Alex Bierworth
Job description For the job you need to know how to take pictures at the right time to get the best picture that you can It is important to take the best picture to get the best picture in the paper
Task list You need to be at many games to and have a digital camera and know how to use it It is a job that you need to be ready for
Working conditions It depends on how the weather is outside or if you take pictures indoors It also depends on if you want to take pictures at outdoor events
Education You need to go to college for it and learn how to use many different kinds of cameras so you are best fit for the job It would make you better off photographer
Career paths There are many different career paths that you can do for sports photography It depends on what you know and how you use the camera
Wages It cost a lot to buy the materials you need for a sports photographer It usually varies between 40K-200k