Objective Name agriscience products and their impact on national and international economic growth.
20% of all jobs in the US are agriscience related Jobs include those that help support farmers meet the world’s needs Areas: –Production –Processing, products, and distribution –Supplies and services
Agricultural production is supported by many more careers than actually exist in production The projection is for the average size of farms in the US to increase while the number of farms decrease. In the mid 1990s the #1 meat export as far as tonnage shipped from the US is poultry.
Corn ranks in the top 5 US grain exports year after year. Soybeans are the world’s most important source of vegetable oil and provide basic materials for hundreds of product.
North Carolina Agriculture The top 3 ag. Commodities in terms of cash: –Hogs, –Broilers –tobacco
Green Revolution vs. Green Industry The Green Revolution was the process where many countries became self- sufficient in food production by using improved crop varieties and practices.
Green Industry The modern horticulture industry with emphasis on turf and landscape plants