Social Interaction
5 types of social interaction 1. Exchange: –Receiving in return for an action –Reciprocity – (owe someone) –Exchange theory People are motivated by self- interest When cost of interaction outweighs benefit – end relationship
5 types of social interaction 2.Competition –Multiple people try to attain a goal only one can –Can be positive or negative
5 types of social interaction Conflict –Deliberate attempt to control the will/actions of another –4 sources: Georg Simmel Wars Groups Legal disputes ideology
What is the difference between competition and conflict? Think of an example of conflict that has existed in: - family - school - U.S. - world
5 types of social interaction 4. Cooperation –Working together to achieve a goal that will benefit many 5. Accommodation –Balance between cooperation and conflict
Forms of Accommodation Compromise Truce Mediation Arbitration
“Cooperation and accommodation is good; competition and conflict are bad.”
Types of Social Interaction ExchangeCompetition ConflictCooperation Accommodations
Formal Organizations
Formal Organization = large, complex secondary group What is a bureaucracy? Bureaucracy – ranked group structure…operates according to specific rules and procedures
“Everyone who has ever dealt with a bureaucracy seems to have complaints about them. Why is that?”
If everyone has complaints about bureaucracies, why do they exist? –Most efficient way for large numbers of people to achieve specific goals
Weber’s Model Division of labor Ranking of authority Employment based on formal qualifications Rules/regulations Promotion
Division of labor Work is divided among specialists –Various positions –Specific duties
Ranking of authority Clear cut lines of responsibility Each individual reports to supervisor at a higher level
Employment based on formal qualifications Specific qualifications are given for each job Individuals hired on basis of tests, education and/or experience
Rules/regulations Objective rules, regulations, and routine procedures –Exact responsibilities & authority of each person on the staff
Promotion Clear-cut lines Remain with the organization = job security & seniority
List as many bureaucracies as you can think of that exist in American society. What problems exist in some of these organizations?
Arguments against bureaucracies Self-Continuance..goals of individuals lost Red Tape Oligarchy Parkinson’s Law –Work expands to fill time available for completion
Rationalization When every aspect of human behavior becomes subject to measurement